Part 5

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"You look little different... " Arnav said, unsure. He don't know what was different, but it was. She was .. glowing .. And when he had made love to her last night, something felt different, too. Her breast felt fuller, so did her hips. Was she gaining weight? Not that he was complaining. To him she is more irresistible than ever.

"M..e?" Khushi stammered. God don't let him find out! She prayed. She want things to change between them before he feels obliged to change for the sake of the baby. She wants him to change for her. Love her. Before he knows about the baby, she wants love between them. She want a man who can easily express his love to her and her baby. A man who spends more time with his family, than on business trip. If he can't change into a man she wants him to, then she can't subject a baby to a Father who is too aloof to feel any emotion. Her baby deserves better. Not a father who makes him feel his business is more important than him/her. 

"I .. I...think I am eating too much this days..." she giggled self-consciously.

Arnav narrowed his eyes. Well that explains her weight gain, but still there is something different about her which he can't pin point.

"Well ..are you going?" Khushi asked.

"Hmm.. .Yeah ...have a important meeting today... and..." he stopped, unsure. He was going to take a step he isn't sure about. Will he look too desperate and needy if he does this? But he had promised Khushi to be a better husband. And as long as he doesn't give her the impression that she has some kind of emotional hold on him, he doesn't think there is a problem in giving everything she wants.

"Yes?" Khushi prompted.

"Hmm.... I was thinking ... I have to make a business trip to Paris.."

Khushi'd heart sank. Oh God! Not again!

"And I was thinking if you could accompany me?"

Khushi just stared at him for few seconds. Did she heard him right? He is asking her to come with him on a business trip? Was she dreaming? In the past she didn't even knew when and where he went on a business trip, and now he wants her with him? This is crazy! And absolutely amazing! She grinned at him like an idiot.

"Oh yes! Yes, Arnav!" She jumped of the bed and hugged him tight. "When are we leaving?" She asked, pulling away from the hug. The smile refusing to leave her face. 

Arnav smiled at her. If her beautiful face lit up with a 100 watt smile is his reward at giving him something she wants, then soon he will be addicted to give her anything she wants.

"We leave today by 9 pm.."

"Oh God! So early... I need to pack your as well as mine.. You should have informed me early.. I think I should start packing right away.." She ran towards the cupboard.

Arnav shook his head. Yes, he should have informed her early. But he himself wasn't sure about taking her with him. But in the last, he gave in. She loves him, and in return, he can at least keep her happy, if not return her unconditional love.

They boarded the flight at night and took their seats. Once the plan was in the air and everything was settled, Arnav inclined their seats and covered himself and Khushi with a single blanket.

"All good?" Arnav asked.

Khushi hugged his arm and rested her head on his shoulder. "Yes...perfect.. "

Arnav's hand slipped into her T-shirt, caressing her tummy. Switching off the light, he covered their head with blanket.

"Arnav, no!" She giggled and tried to come out of the blanket.

"Oh yes.." He pulled her back,and pressed his lips to hers.

Khushi sighed and gave in. Thank God no one was sitting across them, witnessing their make out. It always amazes her that a person who is too awkward to talk to anyone, except when the topic is business, is so expressive when it comes to physical intimacy. Maybe this was one quality of his because of which she had survived this marriage so far. No matter how he treats her when he is out of their bed. But when they are together in their bed, he makes her feel special with his kisses and love making.

Arnav pulled away from the kiss and rested his head back, his hand still caressing her tummy. He don't know what is it about her that he can't seem to keep his hands off her whenever he is near her. She intoxicates him with her presence and then all he wants to do is, touch her, kiss her, make love to her. This is one of the reason he stays away from her,making as many trips as possible. He don't want to get addicted to her. He don't want to repeat the same mistake again. Never!

But still went he looks at her beautiful face, listens to her innocent confession, he can't help but want to give her everything she asks for. Its so easy to make her happy. Just a cuddle while she watches a ridiculous rom-com, tagging her along on a business trip, and she gives him a smile as if he has laid the world at her feet. He would be a real bastard to deny her this trivial things too.


Arnav looked down at his wife. "Yes?"

"What are you thinking?" She asked.

He stared at her lovely face, something stirred inside him, and on an impulse, he said," that how beautiful you are.."

It shocked him as much as her. He has never said that to her. He reigns his emotions even in the most intimates of moments.

"Do you realize this? " Khushi asked.


"That you have never said this to me ever?"

"Haven't I?" He feigned ignorance, as if it holds no significance.

Khushi nodded at him with a smile. " Thank you .... thank you for making the efforts for me ... " If everything works well between them on this trip, she will tell him about her pregnancy, she promised herself. "I so hope things work out between us.."

I hope desperately, too. He said to himself. Its one thing to accept what she means to him, but quite another to let her know that. He don't want to be at the vulnerable end. Never again.

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