Part 4

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"Have you fallen in love with someone else?" He let the words out and stared in her wide eyes. Arnav folded his hand on his chest, showing a relaxed posture, and waited. When inside he was anything but relaxed. Last night he laid beside her, not allowed to touch her, to hold her, and thus unable to sleep. He doesn't know how sleep use to bless him before her, but after marrying her, the sleep won't come till he holds her warm body against him. When he is away on a business trip, he works with inhuman speed so that he can finish his work soon and get back to his wife. Does she know that? No, she certainly don't! She thinks his business and work is what he needs to live and breath. But making her believe otherwise is unimaginable. So he himself had led her to that belief. But then he had never thought the besotted Khushi Gupta one day would want a way out. This is so unlike the Khushi he had known. So unable to hold her, to touch her, to sleep, he had agonized himself over the various possible reasons she wanted to leave him. He had told her in very clear words that he can't give her love. And she had agreed to marry him knowing that. So why now keep a impossible condition if he wanted her to stay by his side. The answer is simple - She does want a way out. But why? The answer was lurking from some corner of his mind, but he had refused to face it. Until this morning when he saw her sitting on the bed, looking more beautiful and radiant than he had ever seen her. Then the answer had jumped out of its hiding place and were out of his mouth.

Khushi just stared at him. For a moment or two unable to process anything. He thinks she has fallen in love with someone else? Anger consumed her. She just wish she has! With her insides burning with rage, she caught hold of a pillow and threw it at him. "Fallen in love with someone else? Else?! Who? Your cook? Your driver? Your bodyguard? Because I swear from the time I had married you, these are the only male around me! I don't go to parties, I don't go to meet my friends. My whole life has changed after marrying you. I just stay here in my room, thinking any moment you will be here" She lifted her shaking finger at him. "And you know why?" She asked. " Because I bloody don't know where you are, what you are doing, and when you will be back. And possibility of not being at home when you come back just freaks me out. Do you know how embarrassing it is when my brother calls me and asks me where you are? And you are away from home for days and I have no bloody idea where you are. ... " She ran a hand on her face, feeling it wet. " So now you tell me, Mr.Arnav Singh Raizada, are you amusing yourself somewhere else? And then come back home to enjoy your wife as well?!"

Arnav just stared at the quivering mass in front of him, dumbstruck. He amusing himself somewhere else? Like he bloody can. His body just needs this trembling woman in front of him. He doesn't even thinks of anyone else. But as he saw her, trembling and sobbing, defending himself took a back seat. He climbed the bed and took her in his arms. "Shh... don't.. ..don't cry... please ... " he whispered awkwardly. "Khushi ...don't cry..." he said little firmly, feeling restless now.

" I just wish...just wish I can fall in love with someone else... or wish I could stop loving you... atleast the pain will stop then.. " she said between hiccups.

And something inside Arnav broke with her every word. " I wish the same, sweetheart, I wish the same. You don't deserve me. You deserve a nice man. A man who can love you, tell you how beautiful you are, make you feel special. You don't deserve a broken man like me. And i regret marrying a lovely girl like you. I should have married someone like me- cold, heartless." He kissed her hair. " But its too late now, isn't it? You are stuck with me... And I ... I ..." He pulled little back and holding her face between his palm, lifted it to face him. " I don't want to let you go ... I .." He swallowed. He knew he is going to reveal too much, but at this moment, looking in her pained eyes, he didn't cared. If we will regret it afterwards then so be it. But he want to take that sadness from her eyes immediately. " I laid beside you yesterday night, unable to sleep... Sleep eludes me without you in my arms ... It has been the same from the day we married. So I laid here last night. Agonizing myself over why you want to leave me, why you won't allow me to make love to you, to hold you... I was angry, agitated, restless. You have always been so open about your feelings for me, and then suddenly one fine day you come and say you want to leave me. I really don't know what to think of this...So I ...I thought your feelings for me has changed...and ...and ..."

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