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" Your gonna live in this house. "? Nandini asks
"Yes"manik answers
" This two storeyed building?"Nandini queries.
"Yes" he answers
" This whitewashed building"?
"Yes" he answers looking annoyed.
" This whitewashed building?"
"Yes!!! WHAT is wrong with you" he says ruffling his hair.
"This house with the swimming pool."? Nandini asks ignoring Malik's annoyance.
"This luxurious expensive house"? She asks making manik hit his head in exasperation.

" For the last and final time...Yes I am moving into this house. Now,will you tell me what's up with all these questions" manik shouts in not-so-harsh way.

"Mr. Manik Malhotra, are you sure this is the house" she asks

"This beautiful house"? I ask making him groan.


101 questions and 101 same answers later.

"This was house which has two flower pots on top of the wall"?

"This house where I am moving into"?
"Yes.......Wait What" he asks looking taken aback.

"Yes manik, I am you official housemate"


How is it??
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I will post chapter after getting to know all the response!!

Housemate manan Ff (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now