Who are you??

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MaNiK's PoV

" nandu are you alright"? we ask for the hundredth time.

She was staring  at her mobile eerily making us freak out.

Flash back.

Fab four, my cousins , nandu and i were seated in the front room looking bored.

Suddenly all the elders came to us and mom said " We are going to visit a few temples, so we won't come till late night. We are going to pray for riddhima,arya and fab four and... no one else".

They all walk away,

" I hope they atleast remember our names after praying for manan family" cabir says making everyone else giggle.

" so what now" alya asks making all of us smirk

"PARTYYYYY" alll of us scream

After a some time we were all set to start the party. Thats when we realised that there was not much of food so riddhima,arya and abhi went to get food.


I have no idea what has happeneed to Nandu.

She seriously is creeping me out.

"nandu what happened"? i ask for the last time.

"manik....mera life itna karab hogays,itna karab hogaya" she imitated kangana ranauts sound and strated crying badly.

"what the hell happened " i asked seeing her cry this bad.

"manik, look at your insta account. All girls are flirting with you" she blitzed tipsily.

She stared crying so loudly and badly that we all got scared.

" is this the same girl who is talking who used to flirt back with these girls after making me log into my account for you. " i say.

" mmwwaaaaaaaah. Manik is accusing me of flirting with those girls" she again starts crying.

"nandu stop crying na" cabir says.

She wipes her tears and starts crying.She starts hiccuping cutely.

" what happened to her? has she gone mad?" i ask everyone else.

She starts shrieking and cries and cries" manik called me maddddddd"

"manik i cant bare this shriek anymore" cabir says shutting his ear.

" look nandu, i will scold manik. Manik why did you call our nandu mad"? he acts and gives me a fake slap.

"mwaaaah cabir why did you hit my manik" nandu asks weeping.

We all hit our head in exasperation.

" look nandu, if you stop crying i will give three kisses" i offer and she gasps and keeps crying.

" now why are you crying" i ask.

" you embarrassed  me in front of everyone by talking about kiss. Don't you know topics like these has to be confined in one's bedroom" she says crying.

"who are you" i ask and turn to the left to look at others but they were missing.

i look down too see everyone on the floor gaping at nandu.

"is this the same girl talking who kisses manik everyday in front of us. You are queen of PDA and you are talking" alya asks gulping .

" manikkkk, see they are accusing me of besharam things" she says crying again.

Housemate manan Ff (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now