Fighting under the miseltoe

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From today onwards, I would ask a question before every update.

Question of the day: What are your names?

I only know most of you by your username.

Here is your update!!

Nandini's POV

"Manik, I want a chai too"I shout from the living room.
We reached back here at early morning and had a quick nap of Five hours.

"Bicepwala, please" I say in my sleepy voice.

He comes to the living room with a grumpy face and says "Neither am I your Bicepwala nor your Chaiwala"

I scowl at him and snuggle on to the cushion. Suddenly Manik lies down next to me, squishing me.
I try to sit up.

I notice that he was already asleep.

I lay on top of him, resting my head on his chest.

He wraps his hand around me and says "damn, your heavy. What did you have for breakfast, bricks?" He asks.

I stand up and scowl at him.

"Where are you going"? he asks sitting up on the couch with a sleepy face.

"I am going to eat some bricks. Would you like to have some mud. Oh sorry, you already have a lot in your head. Pardon me" I say sarcastically smiling.

I walk away.


"Manik, a little more higher" I instruct.
He lifts me up more higher.
I stretch my hands and try to place the star on the peak of the Christmas tree.

We had finished decorating the rest of the house.

Suddenly we both tumble and fall to the ground.

"Shit" Manik cursed.
I try to get up from Manik but fail as we got trapped between Christmas lights.

"Get  up, your heavy"  manik says .
" I can't get out" I cry.

We both manage to stand up.
"Wait. I will try to to get us out. Stop moving" Manik says.

I stay still and observe him making faces.
He suddenly looks at me and asks "what are you looking at"?

"You" I say poking his cheeks.

I suddenly peck his lips, surprising him.

He smiles brightly. He pulls away the lights that tangled around us, maintaining his smile.

He hugs me and says " sorry for calling you fat. I don't want you to fast again like that day and faint. God, that was scary".

I faked my fainting. I feel so guilty.

"Manik..I want to say something. Promise me, you won't be angry" I say playing with his shirt.

"I can't promise you because I don't know what to expect from you" he says  switching the Christmas lights on.
I frown and he asks "tell me. What mischief have you done"?

"ACTUALLY, you remember that day I fainted"? I said reluctantly.

"Ha, what about it" he asks.

" I actually faked it" I said.

He remained silent.

"I know I did wrong. I know you must have been really concerned. You would have felt guilty and scared. It's just that, I was really hungry. Mom made such delicious food. I couldn't resist it. I am really sorry" I say in one breath.

Housemate manan Ff (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now