Flight with the Malhotra babies!

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An advanced sorry for all the scientific humor in this chapter because i penned this chapter after my science exam.

Nandini's POV

" Could you at least try to make your daughter stop crying"? the lady who sat in front of us asked.

"what do you think i am doing? Rowing a boat?" i say sarcastically.

Manik chuckles as the lady turns away after glaring at us.

 "Stop crying Mae-Mae" I say frantically rocking her to and fro. 

I suddenly hear Manik giggling.

"Are you seriously giggling? Which dad laughs at their baby crying?" i scold Manik.

Mae stops crying and starts to look interested in our conversation, which she clearly doesn't understand.

"I am sorry but you gotta admit that only i can handle Mae Mae" Manik boasts.

"Don't try to give yourself ' The Better Parent Title'. I can handle Nash and mae, just like you" I argue.

 "Okay lets not argue. We are off to resolve a fight not create a fight but dont you think its like an unspoken rule for a husband and wife to fight" Manik asks.

"I dont think that's true because we have been fighting since the time we met"  I disagree.

"ya, but arguments are more sweeter after marriage. We learned to compromise. For example, just right now i compromised wit you, even though it is clearly evident that i am the better parent" he taunts me.

"Excuse me Mr. Malhotra" i say with a surprised tone.

"Yes Mrs. Malhotra, you heard me right"Manik says and playfully pokes my cheeks.

"you are talking about being the better parent when all you do is sleep" i taunt back.

"Look who is talking, Sleeping beauty? Oh sorry... Sleeping M.O.T.I" Manik says with a mocking smile.

"Hawww! You called me moti? i just gave birth to two babies, so i have a tad bit of fat to burn. That doesn't mean that i am fat. Don't you dare call me moti" i argue in anger.

The lady in front of us again turns around with an annoyed expression and says "Can we go back to the part where the baby was crying because that was a lot less annoying than you guys".

 She turns back after she gets glare from both manik and me.

"Excuse me sir, Would you like to have something?" the air hostess asked interrupting  our fight.

"No we dont want anything" i reply hastily.

"Excuse me, why are you deciding on my behalf. its a free country. i can buy whatever i want" Manik argues and buys a sandwich just to tick me off.

He starts eating the sandwich and makes sounds which may sound a little inappropriate. Why the hell is he trying to irritate me.

I angrily snatch the sandwich and smash it on his face.

Manik looked really surprised. Mae and Nash starts giggling. Suddenly Manik smashes sandwich on my face after snatching it from my hand.

My anger instantly recedes as i hear mae and Nash's cute giggles. I smile brightly making manik smile.

I sigh and say " Sometimes we act too damn dumb"

" i know right" manik says.

" you do know that we must be looking really creepy with all that sandwich on our face.

" We should go wash. You go first" Manik says.

"Ya" i say leaning on to maniks shoulder lazily.

" i am sorry manik. Nowadays we are fighting so frequently. I know we both enjoy taunting and fighting with each other, but sometimes our fights are so pointless. I sometimes act so stubborn. i fight with you for the lamest reason. I will try my best to stop fighting....." i keep gibbering.

Suddenly Manik pulls me closer and kisses me. I widen my eyes and say "My hubby is becoming more and more bold"

"Perks of living with you" manik says with a chuckle.

"do you remember our first kiss?" i ask lingering the old moment.

"how can i forget? I did two right things together. Firstly, i kissed you and secondly i shut you up.Just like i did right now"he says and i chuckle.

" i should go wash" i say and go to the washroom.

As soon as i return, manik goes to wash leaving a sleeping mae and nash with me.

"where is my phone"?i mumble to myself and start searching for it. I start searching for it in the baby bag.

Suddenly i hear an unfamiliar voice"Excuse me, this is my seat"

"go on dude, sit.You payed for it" i say still searching for my phone.

"this bag is on my seat?" he says.

i finally turn towards him and notice Manik's bag on his seat.

"oh shoot! sorry" i apologize looking at him.

He looked about my age and had peculiar face. Weirdly he does not reply. I notice that he was gaping at me with his mouth open.

"what happened"? i ask as i remove my hair which was tied in a bun.

"You look mesmerizing" he flirts and looks at me with lusty eyes.

Well that was some straight forward flirting.

"Just so you know, these two babies were born with the help of MY uterine muscles" i sass

" i dont care" he says without even flinching a muscle.

" i should inform you my husband has a very athletic body" i say again.

" i dont care" he replies.

"He has an 80-kilo biceps"i say.

" i dont care"

"He can punch really well" i say

" i dont care"

"i can punch really well" i say again

"Your hand touching my face is like a far fetched dream" he says continuing to gape.

I instantly punch his face and say " that wasn't very far, was it?" 

Manik comes back ad sits down after taking mae and nash in his arms.

" i am gone for one minute and then you are going around punching guys" manik says.

" its not my fault that guys hormone production increases seeing my face" i sass.

" somebody has been learning science really well" manik says

Suddenly i hear another voice "Baby are you alright?".

It unfortunately sounded very similar.

 I look towards the guy and see a girl touching his wound.He winces in pain. The girl has to be stupid.

The girl looks at us and shouts"  Manikkkkkkkkkkkk  and nadini"

Well who else?Soha aka kadva ladoo.


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