We share habits

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Hey. The story will continue from after nandu got drunk.

We share this habit
Nandini's POV

I open my eyes to darkness. My head was throbbing in pain.
"Wow. I feel like I fell from 20 storeyed building onto a bridge and a truck ran over me and I again fell into the river"

I see the room empty. Manik wasn't there nor Nash and Mae.
I open the curtain to peek outside and the light killed my eyes.
I look at the clock to see it was 1 in the afternoon.

I open the door to see Manik passing by.

"Manik" I call out and hug him.

"My head is killing me" I say against his chest.
He breaks the hug and hands me a glass of lemon juice . He walks away without saying anything. My eyes follow him and I see him talking to Alya and Multi who were holding 'Nashy and mae-mae'.

Manik was laughing happily.
He is angry at me.
Now what did you now, Nandini?

Mae notices me and starts nagging Alya to come to me.

Multi and Alya walks towards me and she asks "you are okay, right"?

They were keeping a distance.
" I am fine" I say looking confused.

I take Mae and rock her.
"Why is Manik angry?" I ask.

"You don't remember"? Multi asks.
" ya, I remember everything in HD" I say sarcastically.

They explain everything making me gape.
"So basically I was possessed. What happened to me" I ask.

"You drank a whole damn bottle of vodka" Alya says.

"That's why manik is angry" I say drinking the lemon juice which I had in my hand.

"I swear your God damn eyes was connected to Municipal water supply or something is up with your bladder" I hear Cabir say. I see him coming up the stairs with Navya.

"Navyaaa" I scream and hug her.
We nearly fell of the stairs.
"Don't kill my girlfriend. She may come to use..someday...I hope" Cabir jokes making Navya hit him.

Navya angrily walks downstairs and Cabir sighs.

"Best of luck to you" I say to him.
"To you too" he says pointing at Manik who was downstairs.

I sigh and press my temple in pain.

"Go freshen up" Mukti says

I freshen up and go downstairs to see everyone had started lunch.

Manik was buisily feeding Nash and Mae.
I take Nash's plate and pick up Nash from him. I start feeding him.
I finished feeding him and started to eat.
Nash fell asleep against my chest.
I was slowly rocking him so he wouldn't wake up.

Manik finished with his lunch and went upstairs with Mae.

Cabir goes up along with him.

Manik's POV

"What is it Cabir" I ask.
"Why are you  angry with her"? He asked making me angry.
"are you  trying to provoke me or are you simply  dumb. Obviously  I am angry with her because  she drank  a whole bottle of vodka.  We had promised each other not to drink more than two shots " I explain.

"Now tell me the real reason " he says.
Why is he trying to piss me off?

" I just told you " I say huffing  with anger.

" Come on Manik.  Just that reason wouldn't  make you this damn angry.  Nandu looks so scared.  That's  why  she is not even  trying to persuade you" cabir says.

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