Chapter 1-The Professor

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(Y/N) sat in potions class, watching professor Snape intently as he scribbled on the chalk board. He was writing the directions on how to make amortentia, a love potion. (Y/N) has had a crush on her mysterious professor since fourth year. It's been two years and her feelings have only grown. Sure he is quite a bit older, but age is just a number, right? 'What am I thinking,' she thought to herself, while never taking her eyes off the potions master. 'I'm just an "insufferable dunderhead" to him. He'd never return my feelings,' Or so she thought.

She was snapped out of her thoughts when she heard: "Ms. (Y/L/N)?" Her eyes shot up to meet the cold onyx eyes of Severus Snape. Her heart rose in her chest and started beating uncontrollably. 'Yes professor,' she thought to her self, but the words couldn't seem to slide of her tongue.

"Y-y-y um,"

"Please for the love of Merlin try to pay better attention in my class and stop fantasizing about your imaginary boyfriend."

At this, (Y/N) blushed a deep shade of pink and the whole class snickered. She somehow stammered out a, "Y-yes, s-sir. I'll try harder, sir."

"Good. Now, 10 points from (Y/H) and a weeks worth of detention for being an insufferable dunderhead."

She got a burst of courage and stood up. "A week!?," she exclaimed. "That's SO unfair! I wasn't paying attention for 5 minutes and I get a WEEKS worth of detention!?" She soon blushed an even darker shade of pink and sat down in embarrassment, realizing that she just yelled at the most terrifying teacher in Hogwarts.

Snape at first was shocked, then came striding toward her with fury in his eyes. He grabbed her by the ear without looking at her and dragged her out of the dungeon, into the damp hallway. He slammed the door behind him and turned toward (Y/N), absolutely furious.

He glared at her and shouted, "I will NOT be disrespected in my own classroom. 50 POINTS from (Y/H) and a MONTH of detention! I hope you have learned your lesson. You are very lucky that I didn't drag you straight to the headmaster and tell him about your little 'outburst'!" By this time he had backed her up into a corner, and scowled down at her terrified, shaking form. Tears threatened to fall down her cheeks, but she held them back as best she could. Snape saw this, and a flash of guilt shone in his eyes. (Y/N) didn't notice this emotion through the tears piling up on her waterline.

The professor turned on his heels and strutted back to the door. He turned and saw (Y/N) petrified in the corner, a tear falling down her cheek. A pang of guilt flashed in his heart. 'What was that,' he thought to himself. 'I've never felt guilty for yelling at a student.' He quickly got over the emotion and snarled at the girl. "Come back to my class, you brat. Unless you want MORE points taken on your behalf." (Y/N) sulked over to the door and wiped away her tears, before walking in and scurrying to her seat. Snape gracefully walked to the chalkboard and began writing although nothing had happened.

Not So Mutual Attraction (Severus Snape x reader)Where stories live. Discover now