Chapter 8- The Sentence

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A/N I know, I know! It's been three days!! Well, I'm updating now so don't complain. I also just edited the last chapter and fixed a few mistakes early on. And O. M. GOSH. 300 READS?!?!? THATS AMAZING!! THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!!

(Y/N) pulled down the sleeves of her robes to hide the wretched mark on her forearm. She was headed to potions class, excited to see her favorite teacher by far, Severus Snape. Her thoughts drifted to the night before, which made her blush a dark shade of pink. She'd left him there, aching with passion and lust, in hopes that he would 'punish' her soon. She blushed ferociously at her new fantasies of her professor, which didn't go unnoticed when her friends found her.

"What're you thinking about,
(Y/N)?" asked Cho, walking on
(Y/N)'s left side.

"Oh," answered (Y/N), "Nothing, really."

"Yeah, right." said (B/F/N) from her right, "'Nothing' explains why your face is as red as a Weasley's hair." (Y/N) laughed half-heartedly at her friend's joke. "Seriously though, what is it?"

(Y/N) drew in a deep breath and replied: "I'm just... thinking... about this guy-" She was cut off by questions from her friends like 'Who?', 'How tall?', and 'Is he hot?'. (Y/N) rolled her eyes at their shallow questions and refused to give details until they were ready to go public.

The three walked into potions, and Cho and (B/F/N) sat at a desk at the back of the class together. (Y/N) sat behind them at the desk in the very back of the room, the farthest one from her professor. The bell rang and Snape strode in from the storage closet, carrying various potion ingredients in a cauldron. (Y/N) realized that she was the only person at her desk, which gave her the ability to flirt shamelessly with the potions master.

They were soon brewing Felix Felicus, aka 'Liquid Luck', and (Y/N) quickly got to work. A few minutes passed when she decided it was time to mess with her professor once again. Her hand shot up, which immediately attracted Sev's attention. The professor smirked and strode to the very back of the class to speak with his favorite pupil.

(Y/ N) pointed blindly to a word in her textbook, and stated her question. "Um, sir, what does this ingredient do?" She looked down at the book and blushed in embarrassment.

"You mean water, (Y/N)?" He questioned with obvious humor in his eyes. "You want to know what water does?" His voice was cold, but his smirk and eyes were warm, and only for her view.

"No," (Y/N) confessed, her voice now a whisper. "I just wanted to talk to you about last night." A smirk played on her lips as she looked into his onyx eyes, which were twinkling with mischief.

He walked around the desk and sat on the stool beside her, putting a pausing spell on her potion. (Y/N) turned to face him and her outer thighs were touching his inner thighs, making her blush and smirk more.

The professor leaned in to whisper in her ear. "What you did last night, (Y/N)," he said very huskily. "Was very, very naughty." He drew out his syllables with his low rumble, and his tongue flicked out to lick the shell of her ear. "I will definitely have to punish you tonight." These words made (Y/N) bite her lip and shiver with excitement.

Snape stood, almost straddling (Y/N), and moved around to the other side of the desk. "5 points from (Y/H), Ms. (Y/L/N)," he stated coolly. "And detention with me tonight after dinner." He winked at her and smirked before he turned to address another question. Cho and (B/F/N) turned and gave her sympathetic looks, then returned to brewing their potions.

(Y/N) un-paused her potion, and continued working silently. All the while she was fantasizing about what her mysterious professor might do to her during this so-called 'detention'.

Not So Mutual Attraction (Severus Snape x reader)Where stories live. Discover now