Chapter 11- The Reaction

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A/N Hey y'all!! I'm sorry I haven't posted in forever. It's been stressful with finals! I will probably keep up the one post per week thing, because I really don't have many ideas. But guYS WE HAVE 500+ READS OMG!! 💋 XOXO ILYSM!! Btw I'm thinking of doing a Drarry one shot series next. Would y'all like that?
"Grandpa..." (Y/N) and Severus were in a meeting with Dumbledore. The pair had just told him about the bond, and everything that led up to it. The amortientia, the initial attraction in (Y/N)'s detention, the fun they had in the ROR, the 'punishment', the reason for the bond, and finally the bond itself. The headmaster sat there gaping at the two. He looked at (Y/N) with a mixture of love, anger, and disapproval, and when he looked at Severus, the love was replaced with loathing and shock.

"Grandpa!" exclaimed (Y/N). This brought Albus out of his thoughts. He shut his mouth and forced a smile towards the pair.

"Yes, sweetheart," said Albus, "I understand the situation. As much as I disapprove of a student-teacher relationship, I will approve it if Severus makes you truly happy." He glanced at the couple's now entwined hands, resting on his granddaughter's leg.

"Although it was forced," Severus chimed in, "I really do have strong feelings for your granddaughter, Sir. It may not be love yet, but I believe it can be. I promise that I could never and will never hurt her." Severus lightly squeezed his new wife's hand and looked over at her. He smiled a genuine smile when he saw her looking back at him. He turned back to the headmaster and was surprised when he saw how his gaze was softened.

    "Well, Severus," replied the older man, "I believe that you are a wonderful parter for my (Y/N). So, I give you both me consent. I trust you, Severus. Don't let me down."
The newlyweds smiled and thanked him, (Y/N) giving him a small peck on the cheek and an 'I love you'. Of course Severus didn't repeat the actions, but instead he shook the mans hand and thanked him once more.

(Y/N) and Severus turned to leave but quickly turned around when Dumbledore spoke up. "Wait," he said, "We're not finished. I would like to offer you, (Y/N), the chance to live with Severus in his chambers. If your friends ask about your absence, tell them that you are staying with me. I also want to make sure you two know that you absolutely cannot tell anyone about this. If this gets out to the ministry, me and Severus could lose our jobs and you two could be sent to Azkaban." The couple nodded and (Y/N) ran into her grandfather's arms.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you! I promise I won't tell anyone," (Y/N) yelped.

"Me neither," Severus spoke.

"Well then," Albus continued, "I suppose you two need rings!"

"But won't people see them?" (Y/N) wondered aloud.

Dumbledore chuckled and replied, "No worries, sweetheart. I will make it visible to only the ones that know about the situation."

"That's possible?" Questioned (Y/N). She never knew such magic existed, even with her being around her grandfather so often.

"It is when you're me," the old man replied with a smirk. He raised his wand and quickly conjured some rings. They were beautiful, thin, matte black bands with intricate designs surrounding the gems. (Y/N) was given the band with a green gem, and Severus the one with a (Y/H/C) gem. They were both identical, except for the gem (A/N If you're in Slytherin, they are identical), and were neither too masculine or too feminine for the other.
A/N I found this pic online and thought it was perfect.

---------------    They slipped the bands onto each other's fingers, and leaned in for a kiss

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They slipped the bands onto each other's fingers, and leaned in for a kiss. (Y/N) whispered to Severus before they collided, "I do." They came together in a sweet and gentle kiss, and (Y/N) snaked her arms around her husband's neck to pull him closer. Severus moved his arms around her waist and pulled her into him slightly, deepening the kiss. (Y/N) raised her left hand to his cheek, the green stone sparkling in the light. The kiss was now pretty heated, and would've gone farther if it weren't for a sudden interruption.

"Ahem," Dumbledore cleared his throat. The pair slightly pulled back, remaining in their current position, and looked at Dumbledore. "You two are very sweet, but if you will please continue this in your chambers. Sweetheart, I will have an elf bring your belongings to your new residence." (Y/N) smiled, pulled away fully from Severus, and went to hug her grandfather. They exchanged 'I love you's' and the young girl turned back to her husband. He offered her his arm and she hooked her hand in the crook of it. They stepped into the floo together, and within moments they stepped out into the cold atmosphere of Snape's chambers, ready to continue their snogging session.
A/N Okay y'all, I hope you like this story so far. There WILL be smut in the next chapter so be excited! Okay, I want to play a little guessing game with you guys so here is your question: What house am I in? If you have a guess, just comment! I will tell you the answer in the next post! 💋 XOXO

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