Chapter 12- The 'Honeymoon'

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A/N  AAAAAAAHAHAHAHAAAAHHH OMG GUYS 700+ READS SRSLY?!?!? XOXOXOXO ILYSM!! Okay calming down now. Without further ado, SMUT!
As soon as the ash-covered pair stepped out of the floo, (Y/N) was swept up by Severus. She let out a squeal of surprise and started to suck on her lover's neck as he carried her bridal-style into his bedroom.

'Well now...,' (Y/N) thought, 'It's our bedroom.' She smirked at the thought and was suddenly thrown on the bed. It was a gentle act, but at the same time it was passionate, demanding, and full of lust. The young girl, propped up on her elbows, looked up at Severus through her eyelashes and bit her lip, trying to coax him to her.

    He slowly crawled up her clothed body, placing soft, intimate kisses along the way. One on her left ankle. One on her left shin. The inside of both thighs. Just above the waistband of her jeans. A straight line up her torso. Between her breasts, where he lingered for an extra moment. Up to her collarbone. Up the left side of her neck. Behind her left ear. Left temple. Forehead. Nose. Cheek. And finally, lips. The kiss was gentle at first, but in a matter of moments it got as as heated as in Dumbledore's office.

    (Y/N) suddenly pulled back and flipped the pair so she was straddling Severus' hips. She was sitting upright, while her husband was laying on his back, seemingly shocked that he didn't have complete dominance. She slowly but surly lifted her shirt above her head, revealing a black lace bra. Severus now had an uncomfortable amount of pressure built up in his lower region. He immediately grabbed his wand, muttered a contraceptive spell, and whispered a faint "nonvestimenta", which made their clothes disappear completely. They raked their eyes over each other's bodies for a moment, until (Y/N) spun around.

"(Y/N)," Severus asked, "what are you doing?" However, (Y/N) didn't answer that question. Instead, she scooted backwards on her knees until her soaking wet pussy was right above her lover's face. He let out a slight groan and brought his head up to lap at her juices, making her gasp in pleasure. She lowered herself until he was millimeters away from sitting on Severus' face, to which he got very excited. He lifted his hands to grasp his wife's hips, and dove right in.

"SEVERUS," (Y/N) moaned, surprised by the sudden burst of pleasure. She needed something to distract herself, so she slowly bent over until they were in the '69' position. She grasped Severus' member lightly, teasingly; the opposite of what he did to her. She bit her lip to stop the moans from escaping when the man below her let out a groan, sending wonderful vibrations through her core. She kitty licked the tip, collecting some precum. Her husband groaned again, which made her moan, which made him groan, and soon they were both hot, moaning messes.

(Y/N) now was deep-throating Severus, who was in turn was eating her out like she was the Halloween feast, and also his first meal in days. They both orgasmed at the same time, coming into each other's mouths and licking up all the leftovers. Severus was now hard again, thanks to a small hand job from his lover, as well as a wonderful ass to slap directly in front of him.

(Y/N) then turned around to face Severus, and before he could flip them over, sat on his hips and held him down with a passionate kiss. She pulled back after a couple minutes, and flashed a sexy smirk to her husband. She sat up fully, and scooted back until she was hovering above Severus' pulsing cock. She grabbed it and he groaned, placing his hands on her hips. She slowly lowered herself onto him, and in a few moments he was all the way in. She moaned at the feeling of him filling her to the brim.

"Fuck," she whispered, eyes closed. She then slowly lifted herself up, to which she dropped down on him again, making both of them moan in pleasure. She then proceeded to bounce on him, over and over and over again. Severus started thrusting up with each bounce, but it still wasn't enough. He then thruster up, hard and fast, many times in a row. (Y/N) moaned his name as he took dominance. She stopped bouncing as he started thrusting even harder and faster, and was now rubbing her clit rapidly.

"Agh, Sev- Severus! I'm gonna come!" Cried (Y/N). Severus grunted in response, and reached up to take a nipple in his mouth. This sent (Y/N) over the edge. She screamed in pleasure as Severus continued thrusting, then came inside the (Y/H) a few seconds later. They were both moaning each other's names as they rode out their orgasms.

When they were finished, (Y/N) rolled off of her husband, and planted a chaste kiss on his lips.

    "Happy honeymoon," (Y/N) said to Severus. He grinned back at her and repeated the phrase. She then scourgified the mess, and cuddled into her husband's embrace. As soon as they were settled, though, there rang a bell. Not that it mattered, because they were already in a deep sleep.
A/N So... I just now kinda realized the wired timeline. Basically, they had sex. Then the got married. Then they told Dumbledore. Then they had sex again, all in 12 hours. So it's like 6a.m. now. Busy people they are! Anyways, nobody guessed what my house is😢. That's okay though because I'm gonna tell you anyway that I'm a RAVENCLAW! If any of y'all are Ravenclaws, I love you. I mean, I love all of you, but I'm partial to Ravenclaws by just a smidge. (Haha see that? See what I did there? No? Okay then.) ILYSM XOXOXO

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