Chapter 4-The Glance

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The next morning, (Y/N) was woken up by her roommates. She hadn't gotten back from detention until 1 a.m., so she only got 5 hours of sleep. She still felt as if professor Snape's gaze was on her, even though that was ridiculous. She reluctantly got out of bed and into the shower, which woke her up immediately.

Half an hour later, she waltzed into the Great Hall alone and late. All eyes were on her, for she had interrupted Dumbledore's speech about the Hogsmeade trip that weekend. She quickly scurried to her seat at the (Y/H) table, and looked apologetically up at Dumbledore, who resumed his speech. She suddenly felt a pair of eyes on her, and she looked up to meet Snape's gaze. They shared a moment of eye contact before he looked away and glared at his students. (Y/N) just kept on staring, though. Snape glanced at her once more and his look softened when he found that she hadn't looked away. A small smile formed on (Y/N)'s lips, and not a moment later Severus returned the favor. They were lost in each other's eyes, until the room erupted with applause and they were snapped out of their thoughts. (Y/N)'s heart was beating uncontrollably, and her stomach was filled with butterflies. She felt as light as air, and Severus felt the same way.

The owls soon swooped in to deliver the student's mail. An envelope addressed to her plopped on the table in front of (Y/N), and she opened it carefully. There was a letter inside written in handwriting that spiraled and curled around itself. She began to read in her head.

'Dear (Y/N),
I have recently been informed about a problem concerning you, and would like for you to come visit me in my office after breakfast. I have already spoken to your teachers about your absence. I will explain everything soon.
Albus Dumbledore'

'What,' (Y/N) thought to herself. 'Why does he want to speak to me? What's going on?' The bell rang a few minutes later and she made her way to the headmaster's office.

"Lemon drops," she said once she got to the gargoyle at the top of the stairs. The wall behind the statue split in the middle and opened to reveal the magnificent office behind. She had been in the office many times, for Dumbledore was her Great-Grandfather. She saw her grandpa sitting behind his desk, and sitting across from him was Snape.

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