Chapter 15- The End

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A/N Last Chapter! I want to thank you all for reading this. It truly means so much to me that even one person read it. Never would I imagine that I would get over 1,000 reads!! Thank you!! ILYSM 💋
1 year later...

The battle. There were curses and hexes flying this way and that. Sparks of green and red erupting out of wands. Bodies. Everywhere. Dead friends and family were strewn across the ground with relatives crying over them. They were in a better place. They weren't here, fighting in this god damn war. They had no more worries or pain.

Most of the hurt were left to die. They were left to bleed out on the cold tiles of the corridors or the rough courtyard stone. The healers were around but many were killed in the midst of helping. The wounded were outweighing the ones that could help them. Just a few more hours of pain and suffering before they were done with it all.

It was soon night time. The fighting had been going on for hours and so far, the dark side had the upper hand. They were evil and dirty and deserved to die, but they were powerful. They were throwing curses and hexes that the students of Hogwarts hadn't even heard of yet. They were playing around with unforgivables like they were toys you would give to a two-year-old. And they worked.

(Y/N) was watching Severus talk to the Dark Lord through a dirty old window. He thought he would gain control of the elder wand by killing Severus, who had brought Dumbledore to his horrible fate but a year before. But he was wrong. The elder wand belonged to Harry, who disarmed Draco, who disarmed Albus on that fateful night. But Voldemort didn't know that. He thought his was his master plan. The one that would win him the war so he could finally gain control of the world.

(Y/N) saw the snake slither towards Severus, intent on killing its prey. Her heart was pounding in her chest. She couldn't watch him die. Her husband. Her lover. The one she was meant to be with for all of eternity.

The snake pounced. Severus fell to the floor, a big bloody gash on his neck. The dark lord cackled and left. (Y/N) was about to run in, but the Golden trio beat her to it. Harry took his tears and left for the pensive. (Y/N) ran in to help her dying husband.

"Severus!" She yelled, falling to her knees beside him. "Severus, can you hear me, love?" She was cupping his face in her hands, watching him through tears in her eyes. She had blood all over her right hand from the gash on his neck, but she didn't care. Her tears fell, staining her cheeks, as did Severus' upon seeing his wife in this state.

"I'm fine, love. Everything will be fine." He assured with a raspy voice and his hands over hers. "Just heal the wound and give me a blood replenishing potion from my robes." (Y/N) did as she was told, closing up the gash on Severus' neck and giving him a blood replenishing potion.

"The venom. How are you-" (Y/N)'a question was cut off by Severus' answer.

"I've been taking very small amounts of venom every day for years. Having it in my system makes me immune. I've worked it up to almost two spoonfuls per day. I've gotten you to about half." Severus explained. "I've put some in your morning coffee every day. Please don't be mad."

"Mad?" (Y/N) asked. "How could I be mad about you being absolutely amazing?" She sniffed and let more tears fall.

"I don't know," said Severus, "because I didn't tell you sooner. Because I could've been hurt by that god damned snake and so could you and I didn't tell you I was doing anything to prevent it." He let his tears fall on (Y/N)'s hands which were now on his face again. She pulled him so he was sitting upright, and then into a hug.

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