Chapter 3-The Detention

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  A/N: Hey guys!! This is my first fanfic so I hope I'm doing ok. I just wanted to give a disclaimer stating that I don't own any of these characters or Harry Potter. That all belongs to the wonderful J.K. Rowling!! I also wanted to give you a key in case y'all were confused. :)

(Y/N)=your first name
(Y/L/N)=your last name
(Y/H)=your house
(Y/H/C)=your house color
(E/C)=eye color
(BF/N)=best friend's name

I also just wanted to say thanks to everyone that's reading!! Again, this is my first fic and I would definitely appreciate any feedback at all! Thank you!!

   (Y/N) sat at the (Y/H) table with her best friend (BF/N). She had told her about how she got a detention with Snape. It was 6:45 now and she had finished her dinner, now anxious for her detention. She decided she needed to move around, so she got up and headed for the dungeons early. She knocked on the potions classroom door, and there was no response. She knocked again, and still no response. 'He must still be at dinner,' she thought to herself.

    "Alohomora" The door unlocked and she entered the classroom to find, well, no one. She stammered to the front of the classroom, tripping on thin air on her way. As she sat down at one of the front desks, something caught her eye. It was a note on Snape's desk, addressed to (Y/N). She took it hesitantly and unfolded the small piece of parchment. She started to whisper out loud.


As I have a meeting to attend to with the headmaster, I expect you start your detention duties before I get back. I have set a bucket of soapy water and a sponge beside my desk. You shall scrub every inch of the floor, without magic. I suggest you get started as soon as possible.


'Great,' (Y/N) thought to herself. 'Four hours of scrubbing the floor, absolutely magicless.' She took off her long (Y/H) robe and threw it over the back of a chair, revealing her jumper and skirt that came just above her mid-thigh. She had on knee high white socks with two (Y/H/C) stripes on the top, and a pair of black Mary Janes. She kneeled down on the floor with the bucket and sponge and started scrubbing the floor on her hands and knees.

She didn't realize how revealing the short skirt looked from behind. Her pink lace underwear were very visible and very noticeable, at least to Snape, who came in silently about 15 minutes after (Y/N) had started scrubbing. Snape tried to take his eyes off this phenomenon, but couldn't seem to bring himself to tear his gaze away.

"Mmm mm" Snape cleared his throat. (Y/N) snapped her head around to see her professor with his arms crossed and one eyebrow raised. She noticed his eyes were a little darker (if that was even possible), and filled with lust. She decided to mess with the professor.

She sat back into a squat and slowly stood up, feeling the professor gaze on her the entire time. She turned around to face him and asked innocently, "Yes, professor?"

Snape gulped audibly. "I see you have started your duties as I instructed."

"Of course, sir." She started moving toward him slowly.

"Well, get back to work then," he said, shifting his gaze to the soaking sponge on the ground.

"Okay," (Y/N) started. "But first, I was wondering what the amortentia smelled like to you?"

Snape raised an eyebrow at the young sixth year. "I don't particularly know who smelled of such," said an annoyed Snape. "But if you must know, it smells of warm vanilla."

'Hmm,' (Y/N) thought to herself. 'That's the smell of my perfume.' She had always loved one muggle perfume from a store called "Bath and Bodyworks", named Warm Vanilla Sugar. It's been her favorite since she was little, and wears it every day.

"Oh, really," she asked her advisor.

"Yes, Ms. (Y/L/N)," Snape snarled. He didn't yet realize that he was attracted to the young woman, but did know that she was attracted to him. "Now, I suggest you get back to work, or else you will be scrubbing these floors until midnight. "

"Yes, Professor Snape." The sound of her voice saying his name made his heart skip a beat, and his eyes darken further with lust. It was at this time when he realized his attraction to her, and that the new scent he had enquired with the amortentia, was most likely her. He quickly masked his feelings and glared at the girl, who had resumed her provocative position while scrubbing the floor.

Not So Mutual Attraction (Severus Snape x reader)Where stories live. Discover now