Chapter 2-The Potion

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Snape was finished with his lecture on amortentia, and had instructed the class to start brewing. (Y/N) turned to her partner and best friend, Cho Chang, and did what the professor told them.

"Sorry about your detention, (Y/N)," Cho whispered sympathetically. "It must suck being stuck with Snape for hours."

"Yeah. I'm not looking forward to it," said (Y/N) half-heartedly. Although she knew she would be stuck with the greasy dungeon bat, she also knew that she would be in a room-alone-with Severus Snape.

About half an hour later, (Y/N) and Cho were finished with their potion, and both raised their hand to signal the professor to check their work. He scoffed and rolled his eyes at the sight of their hands simultaneously shooting up. He reluctantly rose from his chair and strode over to the pair. He looked into their cauldron with one eyebrow raised and couldn't believe his eyes. This amortentia was perfect (not that they could know).

"Well done, laidies. This batch is... adequate." He decided to have some fun messing around with the girls. "Now tell me, what does this smell like to you?" The girls hesetated at the question, and when they looked around they saw the whole class staring in anticipation. Cho was the first to blurt out.

"It smells like a cold winter's day. Evergreens and snow," said Cho, smiling. (Y/N) scoffed and rolled her eyes. 'Of course she's still into Harry,' she thought to herself.

"And you, Ms. (Y/L/N)?" Said a smirking Snape. (Y/N) cautiously bent over the couldron, smelling something all too familiar. She blushed a furious shade of pink.

"I'm waiting," snapped the professor impatiently.

"I-it smells like," stammered (Y/N). "It smells like p-potions, p-parchment, and-um- b-black c-c-coffee." The unmistakable scent of Severus Snape. She refused to make eye contact with the man, but could see him smirking and the rest of the class confused through her peripheral. The professor knew that scent anywhere, it was him. After all, that's really all he did all day- make potions, grade papers, and drink coffee.

Snape walked away proudly when he saw another groups hands shoot up. (Y/N) could faintly hear him yelling at the "insolent twits" toward the back of the room, but was too deep in her thoughts to pay attention properly. 'Oh my gosh. What does he think of me now? If I was just a childish brat to him five minutes ago, surly he can't feel anything better now..." Her thoughts trailed off as the bell rang, signaling dinner time. 'One hour of freedom before detention,' she thought with very mixed emotions.

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