Chapter 5- The meeting

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    (A/N) Hello my beautiful readers!! I just wanted to thank you for getting to almost 50 reads!! I know it may seem small, but it makes me happy to know that at least a few people like my 'work'!! Without further ado, The Meeting!!!
    "G'morning grandpa, professor." (Y/N)'s cheeks were burning as she remembered the events that occurred just minutes earlier. "W-why am I here?," she asked nervously. She thought to herself, 'Does he know how I feel about Severus?' She was panicked. Very panicked. She tried to keep her cool, but found herself blushing even more at the thought.

    "Sit down, darling," said her grandfather. His usual twinkle in his eye was faded, his expression serious and sad.

    "What's happening? Is something wrong? Am I in trouble?!," asked  (Y/N) in a panicked tone.

    "No, sweetheart, you're fine," Albus assured, as he motioned for his great-granddaughter to sit down. "It has come to my attention," he continued. "That you are the single most powerful wizard at this school."

    (Y/N) looked shocked, but still spt out a witty remark: "Well of course, I'm a decendant of you!" The headmaster chuckled, but that famous twinkle never returned to his eyes. This is when she knew that something was really wrong.

    "(Y/N)," Albus continued. "I want you to be a spy for the Order."

    (Y/N) knew all about the order, of course. She had heard about it from her parents and grandparents before they all died. Her grandparents died of old age, and her parents were captured by the dark lord when she was six. She grew up with Dumbledore, as well as everyone in the order. She still attends the meetings regularly.

    After a few seconds of silence, she spoke up. "But we already have one of those!," she exclaimed. She knew about Snape being a double agent, but she didn't grow up around him seeing as he never went to meetings, just spoke with Albus alone.

    At this point, it was Snape who spoke up. "Yes, (Y/N)," he started calmly. "But the dark lord wants you. He knows about your magical strength and thinks I can train you to be even stronger. If he ends up trusting you, you could be a powerful asset to the up and coming war." They were lost in each other's eyes once again, just staring, until they heard an obviously forced and awkward cough from the headmaster.

    "(Y/N)," Albus started. "You can have a couple days to think about it. It is quite a big decision and-" he was cut off by his granddaughter.

    "Yes," stated (Y/N) confidently. "I'll do it." The two professors were shocked. Albus smiled sadly after a moment, his eyes still twinkle-less.

    "Ok," croaked the old headmaster. "You will start your training with Severus tonight after dinner, and will be taken to the next meeting with Voldemort." Tears started piling up in his eyes. "Please, be safe." (Y/N) stood up and walked around the table to her grandfather, and planted a reassuring kiss on his forehead.

    "Don't worry," she assured. "I will." And with that, she walked out of the room and back to her dormitories, and started to cry.

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