Chapter 10- The Bond

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A/N  Hey y'all!! Sorry I haven't updated in a while. Finals are STRESSFUL!! I'm probably going to end this in the next couple chapters. I for one don't prefer stories with more than 15 parts, so I figured that's my max for most books. Muah!!

    "Shit," Severus muttered under his breath. "Hurry, (Y/N) and get dressed." The pair rolled out of bed and quickly got their clothes on.
(Y/N) transfigured her dress into a black long sleeve tee shirt, and walked out without pants. When she got her (Y/H) robes, she transfigured them into dark blue jeans with two thin (Y/H/C) stripes on the ankles.

    (Y/N) and her lover quickly walked out to the Hogwarts gates and apparated. They felt a sudden swirl of nausea and then felt their feet land on something solid. They were in front of Malfoy Manor. The couple barged in and made a b-line to the dark lord himself in their usual meeting room. When they got in there, however, they were surprised to see they were the only ones there.

    "My Lord," started the pair as they bowed. They were cut off by Riddle's impatience.

    "(Y/N), Severus," said the snake-like man in a hushed tone. "Come, sit." They took their normal places on either side of him, their faces showing confidence, their hearts feeling fear. "It has come to my attention," he continued. "That you two have created a bond between one another."

    "My Lord, what do you mean?" questioned (Y/N).

    Riddle persisted, "I mean, (Y/N), that when you two had intercourse and Severus climaxed inside of you, a bond was created between you two." The two stared at him confused, so he proceeded. "When I first started my army of death eaters, and I created the dark mark, I wanted there to be a component of love that came with it. Now I may be the Dark Lord who isn't physically capable of feeling love, but I feel my followers deserve the best. I made the spell so that when there is a possibility of a child, contraceptive spell or not, it creates a bond between the lovers. Since you two used protection, the bond isn't as strong. You can close off your minds from each other with ease, and can only feel a small amount of what the other is feeling."

    Severus and (Y/N) were shocked. They also knew that the Dark Lord had something more planned in that evil, rotten brain of his.

    After a short pause Voldemort continued, "I want this bond to become stronger. If I have my two most powerful soldiers bonded, your magic will be stronger." The guests stared at him in realization of what he was asking, and then. Turned to each other.

    "So," (Y/N) asked, "you want us to marry? Each other?"

    "Is that a problem?" Riddle questioned threateningly.

    "No, my Lord," Severus chimed in. "Of course not."

    The snake-like wizard smiled evilly, showing most of his crooked, rotten, yellow teeth. "Excellent." He murmured. He then called Lucius Malfoy by way of mark, who came bounding in the room no more than 1 minute later.

    "My Lord," Malfoy greeted as he bowed. "How may I be of service?"

    "Well Lucius," Riddle started, "Severus and (Y/N) have been bonded by the magic of the mark, and I wish to marry them to strengthen their magic." Lucius looked between the three in a mixed state of shock, disgust, fear, and confusion. "You are the only one in this vicinity that is able to preform the ceremony. Please continue."

    "Yes, my Lord," stated Malfoy. The blond looked between the lovers. "You will need another witness." Within a minute, Narcissa came bounding into the room as well and was explained the situation. Lucius started the ceremony, the couple in front of him.

   "(Y/N), do you agree to be bonded to Severus forever by magic, until you or he shall pass?" Asked the Malfoy.

    "I do," stated (Y/N) confidently.

   "And Severus, do you agree to be bonded to (Y/N) forever by magic, until you or her shall pass?" He repeated.

    "I do," stated Severus, his voice monotone and his face unreadable.

    "Then by the power vested in me by the Ministry of Magic, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss." He finished the ceremony.

    The couple kissed, and with it they could feel magic surrounding them, bonding them forever. They broke apart soon after, were dismissed by the Dark Lord, and quickly apparated back to Hogwarts to explain everything that happened to Dumbledore.

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