Chapter 6- The Mark

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A/N Sorry for not updating in so long!! Thanksgiving break just ended and it's been busy. I wanted to thank you for getting me to 125 reads!! That's CRAZY!!! I hope you'll forgive me for the late update and enjoy the chapter!

(Y/N) was walking with her best friends Cho and (B/F/N) to Divinations. It was their last class of the day and they were not excited. They personally thought it was a poor excuse for witchcraft, but they didn't DARE disrespect professor Trelawney. That woman could be bloody scary when she was angry.

The trio was almost to the classroom, when someone called out behind them. "Ms. (Y/L/N),"
(Y/N) froze when she heard the cold, yet sexy and velvety voice of Severus Snape. He continued, "There is a problem we have to address at once."

The young woman motioned for her friends to go on without her. They gave her sympathetic stares and made their way the last twenty feet to the Divinations classroom. She finally turned around and was face to... well... chest with Snape. Her eyes trailed slowly upwards, stopping only a brief second on a scar above his collarbone, before ascending to eventually rest on his cold onyx eyes. He had a brow raised as he offered the young woman his hand. She took it hesitantly and was immediately pulled to an empty classroom.

"(Y/N)," started the spy."This is your last chance to back out of this mess. I have just been called to a meeting and I had planned to take you with me, but if you've changed your mind, you don't have to come." The witch stared at him with a fire burning in her eyes.

"Bring it on," she stated. With that, Snape took her hand in his and apperated to Malfoy Manor.

• • •

"Ah, Severus. I see you've brought fresh meat." His voice was slow and quiet, yet was so sharp that it cut through the quite thick tension in the room. The Dark Lord. The one-who-must-not-be-named. The person that everyone-except Dumbledore-feared.

"A new recruit for you, my Lord." Snape's mask was unwavering as he bowed to his 'Master'.

"My Lord," (Y/N) stated confidently as she bowed. "It is such an honor to be in your presence." Her tone was fierce and sharp, her eyes burning maliciously, her lips ever so slightly puckered and curved into a mischievous smile.

"As it should be," started the Dark Lord. "Now tell me, girl, what is your name?"

"I am (Y/N) (Y/L/N), my Lord," the young witch stated with a confident smirk on her face. "And I am ever so pleased to serve you."

"Good, (Y/N)," confirmed the dark wizard. By now, Severus had taken his place beside the Dark Lord, which left (Y/N) to fend for herself at the other end of the long table. "You will now take an oath, and receive your Dark Mark-a symbol of your devotion to our side in this war. Now, face your left forearm out towards me, and repeat my words." The young witch did what she was told, and the evil monster pointed his wand to her fore arm and started chanting the oath.

"Vacare Deus ego levavi manum meam, corpus et anima eius et Dominus Voldemort." The young witch repeated this phrase as her forearm began to burn. "In memet ipso eventu belli impetum verti contra contrariis." She repeated once again, her arm now red and aching from the wordless magic the monster was excreting. "Dominus meus novi iuro me nullo modo haud dubie aut cunctanter petit." Another phrase. Her arm started to fell as though the bones inside it were breaking again and again. "Denique fidus meo voveo diebus usque ad consummationem saeculi," Another phrase, more pain. "Cum tempus fuerit, in locum eius surget obscuris Domina!" She repeated the phrase, her arm now numb from the pain. She suddenly felt relief in her arm, which didn't last long. She heard a faint murmur of what sounded like 'morsmorde,' and a terrible pain that felt like she was being electrocuted, burnt alive, and stabbed to death all at once. It was over within the minute, and when she opened her eyes she found herself kneeling on the floor sweating, panting, dry-mouthed, and dry-eyed. And the mark. The black tattoo that had scared so many witches and wizards and creatures of all kinds. The Dark Mark. Unmistakable. And it was there on her left forearm, darker than night.

She got up, bowed to the dark wizard, and said with a slight smirk, "Thank you, my Lord. You will not regret this."

A/N Long Chapter!! At least for me it is. I hope you enjoyed!!

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