Chapter 13- The Execution

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A/N Alrighty friends, I think that this is the third to last chapter. That's all. ILYSM!!
1 month later...

    (Y/N) was sitting in potions class, watching her husband scribble on the chalkboard. She looked at the title at the top. 'Felix Felicis: Liquid Luck'.

    'Should be... interesting,' she thought with a smirk, 'Maybe this means I'll get lucky tonight.'

   'You have a good chance, darling, a very good chance indeed.' Severus was invading her thoughts again.

    'Stop listen to my thoughts, babe!' (Y/N) demanded. She started calling her husband 'babe,' shortly after their bonding. He claims to hate the nickname when around the Death Eaters, but (in private) he loves it.

    'Stop leaving your mind so open, then!' Severus retorted.

    'Mleh mleh mleh mleh mleh mleh mleh!' (Y/N) mocked, mimicking his infliction.

    Severus let out an audible snort of laughter, to which the class giggled. He whipped around and scowled at his students. He kept his softened gaze on his wife in the back of the room for a small while. She winked at him and smirked, making Severus blush.

    'You know, babe,' (Y/N) thought to her husband, 'I sometimes wonder what your class would be like if you were more yourself.'

    'Whatever do you mean, sweetheart?' Severus replied.

    'Well, alone you're so unwound and relaxed, but here, you're like a war general or something.' (Y/N) explained.

    'Well I wouldn't want any more of my students thinking that I will go easy on them, now would I?' He asked.

    'Well no,' (Y/N) agreed, 'but you're just so uptight during the day. I'm just saying your class might actually be fun if you relaxed a little.'

    'My class is fun, sweetheart! You say so all the time!' Severus defended.

   'It's only fun for me and that's only because I get to stare at the most handsome man in the world.'
She assured.

   'So you like to stare at Potter during my class?' Asked the professor sarcastically.

    'No, babe! I'm staring at you! Well, more specifically your ass in those pants, but...' Severus tried to contain his laughter as he turned around, having finished writing the directions on the chalkboard.

    Suddenly, their forearms burned. Any hint of amusement wiped off both their faces and they looked at each other knowingly now.

    'Darling, pretend you're sick and run out of the room. That should be a good excuse.' Severus explained. (Y/N) nodded and moved her hands; one over her mouth and one over her stomach. She immediately got out of the chair and rushed out of the room, her performance flawless.

    "Everyone brew this potion and have I vial on my desk by the end of class," Snape commanded, "I will take Ms. (Y/L/N) to the infirmary. Begin." Everyone started brewing and chopping just as Severus got to the door. He slammed it shut behind him and sent a patronus to tell Dumbledore of his and (Y/N)'s whereabouts. He and his wife then strode out to the edge of Hogwarts grounds and dissaparated to Malfoy Manor.

    (Y/N) and Severus walked into the meeting room hand and hand. They took their places on either side of the Dark Lord as per usual, and he started the meeting.

    "Friends, you may sit," he started. They all bowed, and for a few seconds you could hear the scratching of chair legs across the concrete floors and the shuffling of shoes on the same surface. "My followers," the Dark Lord continued, "It is time to initiate the only Malfoy heir! Draco, please step forward..."
Draco stood at the end of the table, going through the same process (Y/N) did. The one that still gave her nightmares. While she was watching Draco, she could only imagine what she looked like up there.

    When Draco was finished, he bowed to Riddle and thanked him for his 'gift'. A mischievous, dark, evil smile appeared on Tom's face as he looked throughout the room at all of his followers. His eyes landed on (Y/N), and flicked between her and Severus. She occasionally felt a pang in her head, which felt like a legillimens trying to break through her walls.

    "You see, my friends," said Riddle, "it appears we have a traitor in the room." Severus aimed his hand under the table at (Y/N) and barely whispered "senserit"- an unfailing protection charm. She picked up what he said though, as she had learned to open her mind to only specific people. The charm, she knew, would protect her from the unforgivables, but she would have to play along, seeing as she had to fake her death. She whispered the same spell across to Severus, so he would be protected as well. Riddle stood up and grabbed a handful of (Y/N)'s hair, pulling her up with him.

    "This little bitch was a traitor all along. This skank is no better than a measly little mudblood! TRAITOR!" Riddle screamed and spat in her face, making her want to cry. She wouldn't, though, she would stay strong. "SEVERUS!" He laughed an evil laugh. "KILL HER!"

    'I'm so sorry, (Y/N). I don't want to do this, but he'll kill us both if I don't. I put a-" Severus was cut off by his wife's thoughts.

    'Yes, yes, I know. An unfailing protection charm. I put one on you too. I will play along as should you. And, Sev, I promise that I'm not mad at you. I love you.' (Y/N) reassured.

    'I love you too, darling' Severus said. They were now off to the side of the long black table, Severus standing with wand at the ready, and (Y/N) bound by ropes that tie her hands and feet so she can't move. (Y/N) could see the tears in his eyes, which made her heart break.

    'Babe,' (Y/N) thought, 'go ahead. Before he gets suspicious.' She had a look of seriousness on her face. Severus nodded slightly and his eyes glassed over. He half murmured, half hummed:

    "Avada Kadavra"

    And she fell limp, not moving a muscle, trying so hard not to breathe.
A/N  Hey guys! I just wanted to say that I really like how this chapter turned out. This is probably my favorite so far! ILYSM!! 💋

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