Chapter 7- The ROR

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**Caution!! Smut finally!!**
It's been two weeks since (Y/N) became a double agent. She'd only been crucioed once, and now was Voldemort's right hand gal. He trusted her even more than Severus or even Bella. He told her things that nobody else knew-his motives, battle actions, strengths, weaknesses- which she reported back to Dumbledore.

As of now, (Y/N) and Severus were headed out of Malfoy Manor, and getting ready to apperate to Hogwarts. Her and Severus had gotten to be pretty good friends since they had both been in the same situation. Their new friendship didn't help their attraction to each other-it only made their feelings grow.

Once they were in Hogwarts it was way past curfew, and while Severus headed towards his office,(Y/N) headed towards the ROR to-er-relieve some stress. Severus got bored after thinking in his office for a while, so he decided to go look at the knick-knacks in the ROR while he thought, as he often did.

(A/N I'm switching pov for now for a more intimate feel).

Severus' POV

I walked to the wall where the Room of Requirements was hidden, and I thought I heard a faint "Severus-uh" behind the wall. When I didn't hear it again for a while, I decided to go in.

'I need a place to think.' I walked passed the invisible entrance once. I turned to walk pass it a second time. 'I need a place to think.' Twice. I turned again. 'I need a place to think' Three times, and the door appeared. I could clearly hear the moans now, and I thought I recognized the voice somewhat, but couldn't tell.

I creaked the door open slowly and immediately felt my black trousers tent as I got hard. There was (Y/N), facing away from me on a red couch, one hand pinching and playing with her nipple, and the other playing with what I assumed to be her clitoris. I slowly and silently unbuckled the belt of my trousers and pulled them to my knees. I stayed by the door, making sure not to disturb (Y/N) or blow my cover. I pulled my boxers down, and with them pulled the trousers from my knees to my ankles. I stroked my length while I watched (Y/N) please herself.

"Ugh, Severus," she screamed. She was sweating so I assumed she was about to orgasm, and hearing my name coming from her sweet mouth made me even more turned on. "FUUUUH-!" She flung her head back over the arm of the now cum-soaked couch. Her eyes were closed and she was panting.

(Y/N) fluttered her eyes open to see me smirking and still stroking my hard erection. Her eyes were wide at first but then gave me a smirk, propped up on her elbows, and craned her neck sideways to look at me.

"You liked the show?" (Y/N) asked. I nodded and continued with the theme.

"Now I want a front row seat," I said with my sexiest voice I could muster. I hurriedly ripped off the rest of my clothes, and strode over to the naked girl. Crawled up from the other end of the couch and captured her lips with mine. Our tongues were soon intertwined, neither wanting to give up dominance. I pulled away only to reconnect my lips with her jaw, then smoothly kiss and nip down and around her neck before I found her sweet spot. I nibbled and sucked as I played with her peaks, which led to loud and satisfying moans.

I pulled away again to kiss down her collarbone and tease around her nipple. I sucked on one peak as one hand played with the other, and my free hand travelled downwards. I started to play with her clit, and after a minute of moans, I sucked on her opposite peak. While my thumb twiddled her pearl, I slowly inserted my middle finger inside and found her g-spot. I fingered her there for another minute or so, earning me loud moans.

"Oh Sev-OHH!" (Y/N) came all over my hand as I released her nipple from my mouth. I licked my fingers clean except for the pinkie. That one I put up to her mouth and let her taste herself. She started to suck on my finger, and sat up. She then pushed me backwards, never stopping kissing my pinkie. She then freed my hand with a 'pop,' and gave me a gentle kiss on my lips.

(Y/N) found my sweet spot with ease, and left a reasonable love bite before continuing her trail downwards. She pulled from just above my belly button, and started to kiss down my 'V' on the right side. This made me grab her hair and moan as she left hickeys. She got to the bottom of my V, just above my balls. She licked up my shaft, dragging the tip of her nose up as well, and took the head in her mouth. Her tongue flicked across the slit, making me moan. She then released me with a 'pop,' just like she did my pinkie.

(Y/N) then brought up her hand, and slowly and lightly teased my cock, brushing it up and down and around. The shaft twitched at her touch, which put a smirk on her face. She grabbed my shaft as she took the head in her mouth once again. She slowly bobbed her head up and down, moving and twisting her hand around with it.

"More, (Y/N)! More!" I pleaded. She took my advice and slowly bobbed her head lower and lower, until suddenly, she took my whole length in her mouth. She bobbed rapidly, making me tug slightly at her (H/C) locks, and moan her name in pleasure.

I was close and she knew it. I saw a mischievous glint in her eyes, when she got up and started to dress again. She left me laying there with a hard, aching erection pressed against my abdomen. The (Y/H) was now fully dressed in her (Y/H/C) robes.

"Thank you, professor," (Y/N) grinned. "I had a wonderful time. Maybe we can do this again soon?" She smiled and skipped off to her dorms while I growled at her from behind. I thought about a way to punish her, when a thought popped into my head. Oh, boy what a detention I would give her tomorrow.

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