One: Bad Day

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I flipped to my side and checked my alarm. 5:30 a.m What. the. frick. why am I awake. why why why why why why WHY. I closed my eyes and tried going back to sleep, but that was hopeless. I spent the next two hours laying in bed, thinking, reevaluating my whole life. Although I wouldn't change a thing because I'm pretty content with what I've got. Amazing best friends, amazing parents, ect...that doesn't mean anything to the fact that I'll most likely end up going to school in a bad mood. a really bad mood. oh damn I should've seen this coming.


It happens every. single. month.


Slowly, tenderly, smoothly, just one more second and my eyes will be shut so I can get some sleep. So...close...yaaaaaaas.


of course.

I rolled my eyes to another dimension and flipped on to my stomach. WHY. just why.

I heard my door creak open, "Honey, are you awake?" my mom whispered.


"It's the day of the month already?" she sighed "I'll go make your favorite."

"Chocolate chip pancakes?" I sat up.

"with a couple blueberries on the side" she winked at me. Gosh dang am I thankful for my mother. She knows me so well.

Yeah, her a favor and get up.

"oops" I muttered to myself. I annoyingly got out of bed and dressed up. I stood in front of my closet, one hand on my hip, and the other caressing my imaginary goatee.

with the way you're gonna be acting today, better make it a lazy day.

True. I decided on my favorite sweatpants, a hoodie, vans, and threw the hell out of my hair up into a bun. I tried to look cute, but at this point I don't care. At all. I grabbed my backpack and walked downstairs. Holy frick the smell of chocolate hit my nostrils like a damn tsunami.

walk faster.

So I did. I slid into one of the stools by the kitchen island and waited impatiently for my delicious food. While I waited, I decided to check my phone. I had a few twitter notifications, and a couple texts from Matt.

"Are you awake yet"

"oh my god I just ripped my shirt this is your fault"

"okay since I'm having a bad morning this means it's the day of the month so 'scuse me as I avoid you today"

"just kidding I love you"

"sort of"

"answer me u lil brat"

I smiled at his texts, he always seemed to make my life a little brighter. Even if I get called a little brat. I texted him back before setting my phone down next to me:

"yes I'm awake. yes I'm in my mood again. no you will not avoid me because we have chemistry and English together u lil shit"

After I had devoured about four pancakes I went to brush my teeth and waited patiently for my mom, so she can drop me off. Yes I know I'm a junior in high school and yet my mother is still driving me to school. No one wants to teach me so they shall continue to suffer.


I walked to my locker and entered my combination. It didn't open. I tried again. it didn't open again. WHAT THE FU-

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