Twenty One: The War Zone

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I feel myself being sat up in the backseat of a car. The cold leather hits my skin and I feel like I freeze but it was probably a temporary shot of coldness. I open my eyes to see Kian looking at me.

"What," I groan.

"I have to go."

"I know. You gotta drive to wherever it is to be safe."

"No. I mean I have to get away from this car and defend this town, my town." I look at him and raise an eyebrow, but I know he's right.


"Where are Sam and Steph-" he doesn't finish before I remember what's going on and start to panic.

"Oh no - let me out of this car. I-I have to save my best friend...please!" I try climbing out of the car but Kian's strong arms hold me back.

"What happened."


"Breath, Mia. Breath." I take a deep breath and relax enough to answer him.

"Stephanie went downstairs to get us more ammunition and before we were able to realize she was gone for so long, I caught a glimpse of a group of men dragging her into a car. She seemed so lifeless I didn't know what to do."

"So you got hurt and Sam went after them." I nod in response. "I know where they are." I open my eyes to look at him. "They're gonna use her to get everyone to surrender. Have us all drop our guns and make lines to be...killed."

"Including the kids?"

"Including the kids."

I really hate gangs.

"Go save her, please Kian."

"I-I can't. I have to defend my to-"

"If you don't save her your whole town is gonna be wiped out." He looks at me and in no time he's in the front seat driving off.

We drive to an old worn out warehouse. A torn down, ready to collapse any second warehouse. I open the door, and hop out of the car just like Kian did.

"Where are you going?"

"With you." I reply.

"No. Not like that, Mia you can't walk."

"I can do this-"

"No, Mia. You're useless right now.."


"No, Mia. Listen. You can't run or walk I need you to stay here, it's the safest place for you." I don't respond, instead I climb right back into the car and slam the door shut. I lock it before Kian can try and make me feel better. He knows better, so he runs away into darkness.

For thirty minutes I stay in the car, being the useless person I am, and the time drags on forever. I don't see movement, I don't hear anything, all that surrounds me is darkness and silence.

Five more minutes of that bullshit and I can't take it any longer. I look inside the glove compartment and find a gun. It's loaded, so I take it with me. I limp to the warehouse and easily find an entrance.

It's dark and dusty so I have to try to not cough. It smells like dead animals and unsanitary smells. I limp behind a town of boxes, hoping to find something or hear someone, but it's still too quiet. I walk for a few more minutes down isles and isles of boxes and there's still nothing.

What the fuck.

I find the other end of the warehouse, and there was absolutely nothing to look at. It was literally an abandoned warehouse, that was alone and untouched. I sighed in frustration. What the hell am I supposed to do now!?

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