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Jenna pushes herself to lift the weights one last time. She breaths in - lifts - holds - and exhales as she sets the bar down.

"Holy shit, that was fifty reps of one-fifty. You did it!" Matt excitedly cheers for her as he switches the stop watch off.

"Thanks for spotting me, buddy."

"Again with the buddy? Jenna you act like I'm a kid again. I'm literally just turned twelve !" He knows he's totally wrong and she's totally right with calling him buddy, but he argues anyways.

"Sorry kiddo, but you're always going to be a baby to me."

"Whatever," Matt grunts. "Will you spot me now?" Jenna nods and proceeds to stand behind the bench as Matt settles down.

"Your birthday is coming up in a few weeks." Matt says before breathing in and holding the bar to his chest. Twenty Five pounds is a lot for a kid like him.

"I know..."

"The anniversary of your parents' death is in a few days, too.." he breaths in and lifts. It wasn't much, but more than enough for an 12 year old.

Jenna replies with a quiet yeah as she watches her cousin lift the bar continuously.

"Sorry" he says in between breaths.

"Its's been a long time, don't sweat it"

"No, I know" Matt replies after propping the bar back up.
He sits up as Jenna walks around and sits against the railing.

"You know I'm saying sorry for the fact that ever since you turned sixteen and you were explained all of it, all you've wanted was to find the Nathan dude. And you haven't."

"Me too, dude. Me too."

"You know, I think Damon is holding a silent candle lighting this year, again. Think there's anyway that guy might try to show up?"

"Nah I thought about it, too. I don't think he would. He disappeared off the face of the earth after he killed my parents. He left zero trace of himself, the case had to be put away in files. You should know this."

"I'm just saying, we don't live a normal life and normal things don't happen to us. Any-"

"-thing is possible. I know Matt, I know." Jenna sighs and runs a hand through her boy-cut hair.

Such serious conversations between a twelve year and an almost 21 year old shouldn't be this normal, but they are with Matt.

"I still can't believe you cut your hair. It was more than ten inches long." Matt comments while he gets up and starts heading to the door.

"I didn't cut it for six years because of your crazy sister! I needed a change! Besides, I like it."

"Joanna is crazy," Matt huffs. "But you gotta love her."

"Yeah, you do."

Matt giggles and walks out the garage door. Jenna stands in silence for a few seconds, before Matt pokes his head in the door and smiles at her, "Your hair does look good by the way," he warm-heartedly whispers.

Jenna rolls her eyes and bids him goodbye.

The silence once again taking her over her surroundings. She thinks about everything Matt said, hard. What if Nathan does show up? What if he tries to kill someone else? What if that someone else is Uncle Sam or Aunt Stephanie?

Or worse. Matt or Joanna.

If anything this Nathan guy could be watching over Jenna. He could have all of her information under files.

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