Twenty: Dreams

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We all ran after Kian, who was running toward the church. He ran faster than any of us so catching up was pretty hard, especially now that it was darker at night, I could barely see him.

We ran straight towards the back of the church and eventually up three flights of stairs, down a hallway, and up two more flights. I was out of breath by the tome we reached the top of the building. Kian opened a door leading outside and ran to the big bell that hung up here.

"Sam, pull that cord" he demands, "Stephanie come on this side, and Mia stay where you are, Sam will come stand next to you when he's done." We all complied with his orders. Once Sam pulled the cord, the bell seemed to have loosened up. "Mia, Sam get ready to push." He whispered something to Stephanie that I wasn't able to hear. Then I see the huge bell star to sway.

"Push!" Kian yelled when the it got closer to us. Sam and I pressed our hands to it and pushed as hard as we could. After about four pushes between us four, the bell started making noise. Eventually it was loud enough, I saw lights in houses turn on and people on the streets start running.

Once we reached downstairs, rather quickly, we ran towards the house. But as I was running, I saw families hugging their children, and then they ran off. I couldn't see where, all I know is that, that must've hurt to do that. At a time like this, running away from your family doesn't seem like the thing to do. I didn't know this town, so I couldn't do much but wonder.

"I need you all to run upstairs, to the roof, and get ready with your guns. Sam knows what to do."

"What are you gonna do?"

"I'm gonna drive to their trucks, and to stop this before it gets any worse." Kian grabbed a few more guns and weapons to use, and I just watched as he did. I tried whispering his name, but I couldn't speak.

He stopped moving and stared straight into my eyes. "Mia.." he whispered.

I shook my head in response, "Go. Your town needs you." I turned around to walk away, but the feeling of someone grabbing my arm stopped me. I turned around only to be surprised by Kian's lips pressed to mine.

I didn't react the way a girl with a boyfriend should've, instead I reacted like a girl who's in love with a boy. I grabbed his face and kissed him back, before pulling away. It wasn't long, and it wasn't short. It was like a reassurance that everything will be okay.

"I love you," he whispered. I nodded in response and ran upstairs after Sam and Stephanie.

Reaching Kian's office, Sam pulled down the door leading to the attic, but when I walked up, it lead to the roof of the house instead.

"Help me" Steph said, I turned around and helped her up.

"Here!" Sam yelled from inside, shoving different guns and bullets towards me.

After about five minutes,we were all up there Sam started setting things up. He put multiple guns in the diameter of the house, bullets in between them all in case they were need of more. That took about ten minutes. In the background I heard screams coming from different places.

"Choose a side, get in position" Sam said to us as he laid down and put a shot gun up to his eye so he can get a better view.

Stephanie and I did nothing but copy his movements. Once I put the gun up to my eye, I saw what was going on in this small town in the few minutes we were unaware.

There were people on roofs, positioned just like us. I looked around and saw that everywhere. Not many people were on the streets. I turned my attention to the church and just like I had seen before, there they were. Kids climbing into the little door on the side of the building.

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