Nineteen: The Continous Battle

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"Where are you going?" Olivia asked as we packed some snacks for our trip. It was barely eight in the morning, and we were ready for a three hour drive.

"We're uh-"

"Going to the lake, for the weekend." Sam saved me.

"Oh, do y'all want some sandwiches for the road?" Olivia asked, we nodded and she went right to it. We hadn't figured out exactly what was going to happen, but we knew that if we didn't get to Kian today, we were never gonna get to him.

"Have a fun time lovies, see y'all when you get back!" Olivia yelled from the door, we waved her off and were now on the road to Kian.

"So, quick question.." Sam said looking back at me, "What exactly is the plan?"

"What do you mean?" I ask confused.

"Okay so we're driving to where Kian is, with no idea where he's staying, what we're gonna say, or how we're gonna stop Shawn's gang from causing trouble."

"I don't know..." I whisper, "I guess it'll be an in the moment type thing. We just gotta make sure Kian is safe," he nodded and stared back towards the road.

"Who's gonna drive next?" Steph asks.

"We literally have been driving for like two minutes babe," Sam says. I smile at them, plug in my earphones and take a short nap before it was my turn to drive.

"Kian?" I whisper. I'm crawling on my knees, trying to stay away from the smoke as much as possible.

"Mia, stop" I hear, "Mia get back here, if you go up the stairs and try to find him, you'll never come out." It was Matt, I could recognize that nagging voice anywhere."Save yourself and as many other people as you can. Get out of here!!" I stand up and stick my head out the window for a little bit of air, I take in the scene in front of me and see chaos.

There's people fighting, getting shot, beaten, stabbed, and kids screaming. I watch as kids run to a building, it was a church across the street. They crawling in through the side, as if this was a drill they practice daily.

"Kian" I whisper as I crawl to the top of the stairs. "Kian," I whisper again, the smoke starting to suffocate me, "Kian!!" I hear coughing coming from a corner and see him there, lying almost unconscious. I cough again but manage to crawl my way to him.

"Oh my god," I whisper as I see him bleeding everywhere. His face is covered in blood, and his hand is covering-"Are you shot?"

"No" he grunts, "Maybe."

"Kian, it's in the same spot as before." I take his hand and there it is, a bullet wound on his stomach, "Come on let's get you out of here."

"No, Mia. I'm not gonna make it.."

"Yes huh you're gonna fucking make it, now come on." I try pulling him but he shoves me away. I look at him, and watch as he pulls out a gun.

"Kian, I'm not leaving you. And if that means you're gonna shoot me then so be it-"

He chuckles, "I'm not gonna shoot you, Mia...I love you too much." Before I can say anything he loads the gun and looks at it, "But I'm not going to make it even if I go out there to a hospital. Now get out, the house is about to collapse any second."

"Kian wha-"

"GET OUT!" He yells at me, so much anger and raw emotion is heard through his voice, but I can't seem to let go. My stubbornness is coming out and I'm not leaving unless he's leaving with me.

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