Fourteen: The Trade

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My eyelids flutter open, and I groan. There's a pain in my neck, my back, and my wrists. I don't see much when I adjust to the lighting, all I see is a lantern hanging off the ceiling and darkness surrounding me. There's a cloth around my mouth, preventing me from screaming, my wrists are tied, and I'm sure I have a headache a cause from a hangover.

"hulo" I try to speak, but fail. I groan again and roll my neck back, in hope of releasing some pain.

"huloo!" I say again. I try screaming for help but it all sounds so muffled, if anyone were at a ten foot radius from me, they wouldn't come to the rescue.

"Don't bother trying to call for help" a familiar voice comes from a dark corner. "No one is going to find you. Or help you" slowly, a shadow comes into the light, and Thomas' face comes to view.

I say his name, anger boiling inside of me. Every time I want something new, it always gets messed up. I wanted a bike, I broke my arm so I couldn't learn to ride it for months. I asked for a phone, but it breaks the moment I get it. I finally chose what I wanted to do after graduation, but I get dragged into this bullshit gang life and now it all becomes a dream shattered to pieces. Now I find a guy who I wanted to give myself to, and he kidnaps me. My fucking life, right?!

but you didn't know him, Mia.

I don't care, I wanted him.

he didn't want you, he used your desperateness against you.

I don't care

start caring.

"Thomas." a deep, manly, scary voice boomed through the room. "Enough teasing of the girl." the voice belonged to a tall, bald, guy. He was wearing a black suit, and had a mustache I wish he would shave off. His dark brown eyes sent me a hateful vibe that make me avoid his gaze.

"Shawn" Thomas said.



He's the guy Damon talked about. He's part of the rival, he's the rival gang's leader. I felt my throat dry up, my body go limp and I was now sweating a lot. I couldn't breath and I felt like the world was spinning around me in a fast motion. I tried getting out of the ropes but only failed, I felt dizzy.

"Hello, Mia" he said in a monotone. I glared at him.

"That's a mean look you've got. How are you?" he chuckled at his stupid question, "right. Mia, do you know why you're here?" I shake my head no. "Okay, I'm gonna make you a deal. I'll take that rag out of your mouth, if you agree to cooperate and answer all of my questions." I nod in agreement, "if you scream, although nobody can hear you, I will kill you" I gulped the small amount of saliva I had in my mouth. He unknotted the rag, and my mouth was free. I coughed from the dryness of my throat and almost threw up.

"What do you want" I ask, my voice raspier than ever.

"Nuh-huh-huh, I ask the questions." "Who sent you to that party, Mia?"

"nobody. I didn't know I wasn't allowed at a random party. Me and my friends just wanted to have a good time."

"ah, yes. Your friends. Is it, Stephanie, and Matt?" he looked at me devilishly, "Kian and Sam"

"What did you do to them!"

Ignoring my question, he started talking and pacing, "that random party, was a gathering of my gangs. The young ones, it was reported that you were seen there, and I just had to talk to you personally"


"you're what I want. You and your friends, who were sadly were not able to be brought over, are exactly what I needed."

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