Twenty Four: Empty

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28 years old

"Mommy! Daddy! Look! I'm doing it, I'm doing it!" Jenna yelled at us.

"Good job baby!" I yell back.

"You go Jenna! Be careful!" Kian yells after.

Jenna continues doing front flips on the newly put trampoline as I sit down on the patio table.

Yep. Patio of our home. Our new home. We just finished settling in, and are getting ready to have a nice family BBQ with Steph and Sam.

Stephanie is five months pregnant now, and I haven't seen her since she was only a couple weeks. I wonder how big she's gotten.

Probably really big.

"baby?" Kian says from the grill.


"I think they're here."

"Really?" I get up and walk to the gate, only to be attacked with little hands wrapped around my thighs.

"Hi auntie Mia!" Little Joanna says.

Joanna was Steph and Sam's oldest and only daughter as of now.

"Where's Jenna?" I point to the trampoline and watch as she goes off.

"Jenna! Joanna is here! Get down and say hi!" I say.

"She's so big now," a voice says from behind me. I turn around to be faced with Sam and Stephanie.

"Hey guys!" I walk up an hug them individually, with Kian now behind me.

"Oh my god, Stephanie you're freaking huge!" Kian says as he kneels down to rub her belly.

"I know! This munchkin wants to pop out already!"

I follow Kian's movements and kneel down to rub her belly as well. She WAS huge. Although she's tall, her belly made her look petit and fragile.

"Come on in, guys! We just put the meat on the grill!"

We all walk to the table and take a seat.

"Lemonade?" I offer, and they both nod.

"I like the backyard." Steph says while sipping on her drink.

"Me too, Kian did all the designing and building."

"It looks nice. I can't wait for birthday parties here."

"oh god don't even mention it. Jenna's is coming up and we have no kids to invite since she hasn't even started fourth grade yet.

"Hey, Joanna will be here no matter what!"

"I hoped so!" we laugh together.

"Damn, they're getting old huh?" Sam says as he admiringly watches the girls jump.

"They're getting old? You mean we're getting old." Kian chuckles. "My ass is about to turn thirty!"

"Oh calm down babe, you're only turning twenty nine."

"Absolutely no difference." I laugh at his childish remarks.

"Soooooo?" I say


"Boy or girl?" I jump straight to the point. I'm anxious.

Stephanie looks at Sam, who's already looking at her, they grab each other's hands and simultaneously say "Boy."

"Oh my gosh!" I screech with excitement.

"I'm so happy for you guys!" Kian agrees.

"Have you thought of any names yet?"

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