Twelve: The Kiss

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For the next few days, everything had been figured out and we were settling into our new home. Steph, Matt and I were all taken out of school for a few weeks, or so we hoped, but had to do online classes. It was weird, not waking up at 6 am to get ready for 7 hours of school. Now, we wake up whenever and do classes when we want. Kian and Sam still go to school, but they're not allowed to leave anywhere with anyone. So it's school, then straight back here.

"Hey, dad" I say as I sit next to him on the couch.

"Hey honey"

"What's going to happen?" he looked at me, and regret was visible in his eyes. I knew they never meant for this to happen, but it did, and we're gonna have to live with it, for a long time.

"What's going to happen is, me, your mother, and the rest of us are going to take care of this as soon as possible. Then we're going to go back home, and we're going to continue with our lives. Just like before," he put his arm around me, "and that's a promise, honey."

I looked at him, he seems so sure of this. So I couldn't do anything but believe him. He was my daddy, he wouldn't lie to me, he wouldn't break a promise.

He wouldn't.


Three weeks, and nothing has changed. We still had online classes, we still didn't go anywhere, and we still weren't allowed to go anywhere with out an adult from the house. Matt, Stephanie, Kian, Sam and I have been going absolutely insane, but we've also been getting close. . . well the boys have. Matt, Kian and Sam are always together now. No matter what they're doing. Whether they're working out, eating, doing class work, sitting, everything. I never questioned it, it just sort of happened and I kind of accepted it. It wasn't a big deal, or anything.

"Kitten" I heard Kian call me

"what do you want" clearly me and him still didn't get a long much.

"What are you doing"


"Let's go on a walk"


"Lets go on-"

"I heard you the first time, I was just trying to make sure I wasn't hallucinating." I looked up at him, and he had a confused look on his face, "well, considering we don't get along, we don't like each other-"

"oh that's where you're wrong. I have no problem with you, you're the one who can't stand me" he smirks and I snort. "But fine, whatever. Continue sitting, I was just trying to help with this bullshit boredom we've all been suffering. Have fun sitting" he starts walking away and instantly I feel bad.

"asshole wait," he stops dead in his tracks, and I can tell he's smirking. I get up off the couch and walk to stand next to him, "lead the way"

We start walking and he leads me outside. There's a few people sitting, smoking cigarettes and talking. A few glances and greets are exchanged but nothing more. Kian guides me pass the patio, and into a path that's being lit by small lights.

"So why are we going on a walk?" I ask.

"No reason. I was bored, you seemed bored, why not?" I didn't reply. We walked for what seemed like ten minutes but I knew was only five, the quietness dragged forever.

"Where are your parents?" he asks. I shrug.

"Dunno, they left around four with Matt and Stephanie's parents, Damon and a few others." Kian tenses up a little bit, "what?" I ask.

"Nothing. It's just, it's been a while then. It's almost midnight and Damon never, ever, stays out that late."

"oh" I reply. The thought lingering in my head. But then the silence starts up again, and we keep walking.

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