Two: The Punch

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Going into lunch, I almost burned my hair, got trampled by football players, failed my algebra test, and I've got detention after school for two hours. Yeah, this is usually an easy day for me. I sat down pissed off-at everything. Why couldn't I just have a normal, happy day? Just this once? I couldn't have just skipped this month's bad day?! Why not!? Oh that's right because my life consists of nothing but bad stuff and bad least once a month. I stared at my lunch tray, loosing my appetite as soon as I got a sniff of the smell.

Great now food is shit too.

"Hey guys!!" I heard an overly-excited high pitched voice come from behind. It's Stephanie, her and her "lets be happy every second of every minute" charm. I mean, I love the girl to death but now is not the damn time to be doing this shit. I ignored her existence and continued to stare at my tray blankly.

"It's the day" Matt said as he took a bite from his apple.

"Oh," Stephanie paused "Well, then-no hell no! Mia look at me" I didn't. "Mia" She snapped her fingers at me. "If you don't look at me right this instant I'm going to drag you on a shopping spree" And with that, my head shot right up and looked her straight in the eyes. "That's right" she smiled satisfactorily.

"Not now, Stephanie. Please" I begged.

"Cheer up butter cup! I'm sure it's not as bad as it seems."

"oh no" Matt whispered as he saw my face go emotionless.

"Not as bad as it seems? Really?! Steph, I was literally trampled by the football team, while I was coming out of gym. I almost burned my hair in Chemistry with the fire experiment we were doing, and I also got detention from that same class because some annoying ass kid thought it was okay to piss me off!!" She looked at like if she was waiting for more. "Stephanie...I failed my algebra test"


She gasped like she had just been told she's going on an all expense paid shopping spree. She knew how much grades meant to me, and she knew how hard I tried in all subjects. Me failing a test, a math test at that, is like Stephanie not going to store that has big sale going on. It just never happens.

"Oh my gosh, okay. Since it's Monday, on Friday we are all having a sleepover with your favorite movies and snacks. I will leave my phone off for the time you're awake, and-" she paused for dramatic effect. She shoved Matt's shoulder and he instantly dropped his food to do dramatic drumming. "I won't talk about shopping or clothes or even One Direction the whole night"

I smiled at her effort to make me feel better, "not even a reference?"

"not even a reference" she confirmed proudly. I nodded in agreement and we were on our way to our last period class. Which, luckily for me? Was art class. Which I loved, and I could ignore the teacher and everyone else for the whole hour I was there.


It was the end of the school day, which meant two things. One; my bad day is almost over, which means nothing can possibly go wrong anymore. And two; I've still got detention.

"Good luck in detention, I'll go to your house and make your favorite dinner with your momma" Matt said as he kissed the top of my head and walked off. I sighed and neared the door that held my hell behind it.

I almost grabbed a hold of the doorknob as it flew open.

"Oh, Mia" Mr. Aragon said. "I have to use the restroom and make an important phone call. Go in there, take a seat, and don't leave." I nodded and opened the door wide for him to leave. I was looking down as I entered the room thinking there were going to be a lot of people; there was silence.

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