Nine: Important Call

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"Pst Mia" I heard a faint whisper in my sleep. "Mia!"

"mmm" I groaned as I flipped on my stomach, it was way to early for this. . . well at least it felt like it.

"Mia get up, it's time to go to school"

"mom, just a few more minutes I promise."

"mom? what the-MIA GET UP!" the voice that was waking me up suddenly sounded familiar, and it wasn't my moms. I shot my eyes open and flipped to my back only to accidentally bump into Kian's elbow, knocking him down.

"Kian? what the hell are you doing in my room? who let you in?! what the fu-"

"your room? Mia are you feeling okay?" reality struck when I looked around and saw that this wasn't my room, this wasn't my bed, and these definitely weren't my clothes. I shot right up and everything that had occurred the previous day flashed through my head. From bumping into Kian, to jumping into a strangers car, and being some-what welcomed to a gang house. I sighed in frustration and ran my hand through my hair.

"What time is it?"

"Almost seven"

"seven? oh my god we're gonna be late to scho-"

"calm down. we're not going to be late because today we go IN late. just, get ready and lets go. it's about an hour and a half drive so we have to get going"

"Kian?" he looked at me

"what's going to happen?"

"what do you mean?"

"I mean with-what happened yesterday. Is my family really in danger?" Kian was hesitant which only made me more nervous.

"no. You're in my hands, and I'll make sure nothing happens. I talked to everyone last night when you fell asleep, we're going to make sure your family is no where near in danger. Don't worry. Just make sure you go to school today as if nothing happened and you just went home and did whatever it is Mia does. Okay?"



Pulling up to school with Kian Lawley is the weirdest feeling ever. Not because he's a bad boy and we're riding a Mustang, but because he's THE bad boy, and I'm in HIS mustang, with everyone's eyes on me. Which I wasn't very fond of considering what it was I was wearing. Olivia, the lady who saved me from breaking down into tears in front of all those gang members, gave me some clothes she had outgrown. Black skinny jeans, a black crop top and a sweater to go over it. she insisted I didn't zip up the sweater and I did nothing but comply.

"Hey, kitten, breathe" Kian said as he took the keys off the ignition. "Everything's going to be okay, you're going to be fine. I promise you"

I didn't know why he was telling me this considering I wasn't reacting or acting any strange way. "I'm fine, seriously. I just-I'm scared for my family." which was true, but Kian told me his gang-family-whatever, had it under control, and I'm hoping he sticks to his word. I'm not going to let my family be harmed because Faith had decided to make me bump into Kian Lawley in an alleyway.

"You coming, or naw?" I noticed Kian out of the car waiting for me to move. I simply nodded and opened the door.

Walking into school with the Bad Boy is literally the most uncomfortable thing I've ever done. I'm not usually noticed or recognized, always "that girl" that hangs out with the most popular girl at school, and best friends with the most gorgeous guy around. I was never really something people paid much attention to. But today? Not much had changed, now I'm just THE girl walking with Kian Lawley.

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