Thank You

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SooooOoooo it's over! Kian and Mia's story has ended :(

Quick thank you to all of you who have kept reading through out it all!

Took me forever to finish this damn story but I did it! All thanks to the ones who pressure the fuck out of me to update! haha

I dooooooo have a few things to let y'all know.

If you guys have ANY questions as to why the future holds for Jenna or any of the other characters. ask away and if there's enough, I'll post a Q&A for you all

I am not planning on starting a new story in 2014. But I am DEFINITELY going to be writing or starting a new one in January 2015. Don't miss out! It'll probably be a Connor Franta one, because...why not! Haha

Okay details on that soon.

For now, hope you guys enjoyed the story. Share, share, share!

Thanks again!

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