Six: The Explanation

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Have you ever gone to a concert? You know that feeling afterwards, where your whole body is soar and you just want to sleep for the rest of eternity? Yeah, that's what I'm feeling right now. I didn't want to get up, I didn't want to move. But my throat was killing me. I tried opening my eyes, but failed. It was pitch black, but I was on a bed. Meaning we were home, but I couldn't really remember anything besides the fact that Kian Lawley and my new friend, David, had fought. I groaned in frustration and heard shuffling next to me.

I forced one eye open to look for my phone, which I didn't find. So instead I searched for whatever was next to me and soon felt a nest of hair.


I let out a sigh of relief and rubbed my face. I convinced my body it was okay to get up, and that's what I did.

At this point I knew two things; the bed we were on was definitely not mine, it wasn't this comfortable. And I'm in desperate need of a glass of water.

I slowly got up and saw I was out of my party clothes and instead I was in an over-sized t-shirt and sweatpants. And they aren't Matt's, I knew all of his clothes. Besides these didn't smell like him. They had a soft scent of lavender, like detergent but still had smokey smell to them. Which I wasn't complaining about either. After feeling my way to a door of this unknown room, I turned the knob and it revealed more darkness. I felt around a little more until I found a switch, I flicked it. The light hit my eyes so fast I went blind for about five seconds. I looked around and saw it was a bathroom, but once I caught a glance at my reflection I almost screamed.

The make up I had in my eyes was smeared all over my face, my lips were bright red with dry blood on it, and a few cuts, and my hair was an absolute mess. I didn't know who's house this was, or why this bathroom was so clean, but I washed my face with some water and it woke me up a little bit. I looked back out into the bedroom and saw a small light coming from the bottom of another door. I walked towards it and opened it, which lead me into a hallway. I heard voices in the distance so I decided to follow them.

The closer I got the clearer the voices were. I knew Matt was one of them, but I couldn't tell who the other voice belonged too. It was deep, and raspy like they were in need of sleep.

"Thanks again for letting us stay the night, Lawley" Matt said.


I almost reached them when I tripped on my own two feet, which caused them to look at me.

"Mia," Matt sighed out.


"Come here" he said. I saw him set down his mug and walked to me. Kian only stared, and I couldn't help but stare back. There were bags under his eyes, he seemed stressed, tired, and upset. He had a dark bruise on his cheek which made me feel bad, this was my fault wasn't it? I could've stopped him and David from fighting but I let it happen. Matt walked me to the counter and I took a seat on a stool. Kian and I's gaze, never ending.

"Coffee?" Kian asked. I nodded and he looked away, but I continued to stare. Why? I don't know.

because he's absolutely gorgeous with that messy hair of his

"How are you feeling, Mia?" Matt snapped me out of my trance.

"what do you mean?"

"You passed out in the car"


"Mia, are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm just-curious." I looked at Matt, "what happened?"

"Here, Kitten" Kian spoke up giving me a mug of coffee.

"I-I don't know Mia. You called me a few minutes after the cops arrived, and all you said was find Kian Lawley and Stephanie." I remembered that, it was when Kian left me in the car. "But-I just don't know. I shouldn't have left you Mia, I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry"

"No, I am sorry. Look at you, your lip is busted open, your hands are bloody as hell, I don't even know what happened." I looked at my hands and saw that my knuckles were bloody, and had a bunch of scratches on them.

"I-I don't know either" I whispered.

"I do-" Kian spoke up, getting both mine and Matt's attention. "I was-uh-there was a fight, going on. And, well, someone yelled the cops were here so that stopped-everyone panicked-and well, everyone started running around. Mia, she was in the middle of it all, she was eventually on the ground being stepped on by people. Uh, she-um-she didn't bother moving, then some guy was like literally on top of her and, well I didn't really move until I saw her almost pass out. So I shoved the guy off, carried Mia to your car and then she made me find you guys"

I didn't really say a word. I couldn't remember any of that, except for the fighting. What happened to David? Poor guy, I hope he's okay. Maybe I'll see him on Monday for his first day.

"How'd you know what car it was?" Matt questioned.

"I was getting some fresh air, walking down the street and saw you guys pull up. I saw Mia, and I decided to walk back"

No questions were asked after that. Which I was glad for, because Kian's last few words were replaying in my head. "I saw Mia, and decided to walk back." Was he planning on talking to me before the awkward encounter? Maybe he just wanted to tease me like always. Yeah, that's probably it. what a jerk.

The silence was still, as were we. We sat there, sipping on coffee, no looks or words were being exchanged. I didn't want to look up, I had a feeling Kian was staring straight at me.

don't look up, Mia.

don't. look. u-

I looked and as I predicted, he was staring at me. I stared back, and I swear I was caught in a trap. His eyes were magnifying, absolutely astonishing.

"What?" I mouthed. He shook his head is response, with a half smile on. It wasn't his usual bad boy smirk, it wasn't an actual smile, it was like he just remembered something from his past, something happy.

A few minutes passed of pure silence between us three, there was no tension or anything. Just silence. I finished my coffee and looked at the time, 7:30 am.

"I should go wake up Steph" I whispered to no one specifically.

"Yeah, let's get you guys home-or at least cleaned up" Matt added.

"It's way to early for you guys to be up. Matt, you haven't had any sleep. Why don't you guys get a few hours of sleep before. I mean-its only Saturday" Kian spoke up. That was weird, and really nice of him.

who the hell is Kian Lawley in the morning?

"Well, Matt you go on and sleep. I'm going to clean myself up just a little. Besides, I'm not tired anymore." Matt didn't hesitate on running upstairs and crashing with Stephanie. Leaving only the bad boy and me to stand here, alone. I dunno, sometime I really like Kian and he's really cool but other times I wanna smack his face into a brick wall.


"don't say anything. I'm tired and wasn't able to get any sleep so if you don't mind-I'll be asleep in the room next to mine" he snapped at me rudely.

Didn't he just say he wasn't tired?

Guess he lied. This is one of the times I wanna smack him into a brick wall.

With out another word, Kian ran up the stairs and left me alone in his kitchen.

oh Kian, you're a bipolar asshole.


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