Four: The Party

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Just as I expected, I haven't seen or heard of Kian Lawley for the past week. When I got home that day, I was welcomed with cheesy lasagna and endless garlic bread-made by my favorites. Mom and Matt. Through out the whole dinner, my little "bump in" with Kian didn't come up once. Thank god.

It's Friday now, and I haven't had to have any contact with that jerk off all week. Which means my bad day of the month was over, and my week was ending on a good note. All that was left for today was surviving the walk back home in this horrid weather...ok not that horrid because its now a summer day although it was winter a few days ago. I'm wearing jeans, vans, and a t-shirt but the jeans were seriously a bad call. I'm burnin up.

Tonight is the night of Matt, Stephanie, and I's sleepover which is exciting. But I also forgot to mention to her that tonight is the party Matt wanted me to attend so I can drive him. I wasn't planning on reminding him if he didn't remember since he hasn't brought it up since.

I made it home in one peace. Sweaty, but in one piece. It was only three when I checked the time, so to distract myself, I cleaned my room, and got some stuff ready for the sleep over. I remember the first sleep over I had with Matt and Stephanie, together. We were only nine at the time. I met Stephanie through Matt, who introduced us in the playground at school. She annoyed me at first, but he insisted I invited her to our sleepover. I don't regret it at all. We actually had a lot of fun. We baked cookies, watched cartoons, played dress up-which may I add was amazing seeing Matt in a dress and heels. It was the best, and it just instantly marked our friendship that has lasted this long. We have our ups and downs, but that's what makes a friendship stronger right? Thought so.

"Mia!" I heard my mom holler from downstairs.


"I'm leaving now. Your dad won't be off work until late-don't wait up for him!" I responded with an okay and continued scrolling through my Instagram page. Mom working the night shift and dad coming home late meant only one thing for us-we were gonna have an epic dance party. I smiled at the thought- but that smile faded quickly when I came a cross a picture of a familiar boy.

It was Kian.

Ew what's he doing in my newsfeed. I saw who had posted a picture and saw it was some girl. She posted a picture of shirtless Kian with the caption "#ManCrushEveryday this guy right here. Sucha cute ;)"

I gaged but then laughed at her, she has no idea what she's getting herself into.

A hot guy to have fun with?

Nope. heartbreak.


"Matt no you can't do that! I specifically wrote down COW not-whatever that is!" I screamed at Matt who was trying to pass off a small animal as a cow. We were in the middle of a game we play all the time. Truth or Dare. It was a weird kind though. Truths were simple-but dares were strange.

"I don't wanna play anymore!" Matt said going up.

"Just because you suck" Stephanie mumbled, which I heard and chuckled at.

"not true!" Matt whined. Guess he heard it too. "Anyways, Mia?" I looked up at him with a confused look. "Did you really think I forgot?"

"about what?" I asked pretending to not have a clue what he was referring to - but I knew exactly what was coming.

"The party! Tonight! You guys lets go! I want to have a few beers, dance a little, maybe get some action!!" he tried to reason with us-well mostly me because I knew Stephanie would be all about it.

"Party? Where at? Is it the one at Jordan's house?" She questioned. Matt nodded in agreement and what came next wasn't surprising. "Oh my gosh yes Mia lets go!! I was invited to that by Jordan, he really wanted me to go but I managed to say no to come here!"

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