Five: Girls, Fights, and Cops

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I don't think there's one bad word that didn't run through my head as I slowly turned around to face this stupid bad boy.

"Can I help you?" I asked coldly.

"I just said hi and you're already giving me the cold shoulder? You're a mean kitty."

"Fuck off Lawley"

"I just got here, Kitten. I'm kind of comfortable" he then proceeded to take a seat on the arm rest of the couch, pushing my arm away.

"She said to fuck off" David's voice was heard.

oh no

"What?" Kian said, looking at him.

"did I stutter?"

"Say that again, bad boy" Kian challenged.

"You're a dick head" David looked at me before Kian could answer. "He's the asshole who I caught my girlfriend with."

Behind me, Kian burst into a fit of laughter. "Oh my god! That brunette? She's your girlfriend?!" David stared at him, full out hatred could be seen through his eyes. "Sorry bro, I didn't know. You can have her back-she wasn't as good as I'm used too"

Kian do you ever know how to fucking shut up.

"David?" a petit brunette then showed up in front of the couch. "Babe where did you go?"

David's attention was now on her, "whe-where did I go?! You disappeared after I told you to stay put!"

"I-I went to the bathroom!" she lied through her teeth.

"Oh yeah! The bathroom!!" Kian spoke up sarcastically. The girl turned her head and once her eyes caught Kian's, they almost bulged out of her own face. "Why don't you tell him the truth, sweetie"

"I-um-I don't know what you're talking about."

"Cut the bullshit, Megan" David said.

"Yeah, Megan. Tell him about how you told me to follow you into a bedroom and told me to do the naughty to you" Kian was absolutely calm, like this was a normal conversation. "Tell him how you told me to fuck the hell out of you"

That one small comment set David off. He stood up quickly and tossed his cup to the floor. "Don't fucking talk to her that way"

"What way?" Kian pushed it, "Like the whore that she is?" with that small phrase, the whole room went quiet and the music stopped. This was all leading to a fight-

and you're in the middle of it.

"That's it fucking prick, you and me. Outside. Now" David demanded, and Kian didn't argue. Instead he slowly took off his jacket, and handed it to me.

he fucking handed me his jacket...and I took it!!!?????

They walked through the back doors and to no surprise-everyone followed. I contemplated whether I was going to follow or not, but I did eventually. After everyone so, I kind of had to fight my way through to get to the front. As soon as I did, Kian and David were already at it and the whole crowd was cheering.

Constant, "Get him new kid!" to "show what a real bad boy is Kian!" were being yelled at every few moments. With what I watched, David tackled Kian to the floor and landed on top of him, throwing punches every chance he got. Kian, barely fought back. He put up his hands in defense but didn't hit back. Until someone yelled, "Kian you pussy!" that's when he lost it. Kian threw David off of him and stared wailing at him. Punch after punch after punch and it just wouldn't stop. I couldn't move, either. I just stood there, frozen watching this kid get the shit beat out of him. Everything that happened after that might've been happening so fast I didn't notice I was now on the floor getting trampled on.

Some kid announced the cops were here, and only the phrase "COPS!" managed to make the crowd of kids erupt into a mosh pit and had everyone running different directions. I was hit on my head which made me fall to my knees, hard. I couldn't see but I felt multiple people tripping on me, others kicking me, and a few stepped on my hand which made me only yell in pain. At some point someone had used me as a step because I felt someone jump on my back and started calling for someone's name. I didn't know what to do so I just stayed there, letting people step and abuse me, unknowingly, so I'm not really blaming anyone. Soon enough I felt the person on top of me fly off and someone pull me to my feet. My head hurt, my whole body did, and I'm going blind.

ok not really but everything was blurry.

"Kitten, look at me" I heard. "Look at me. Right here. Focus on me, and only me. Come on, focus" it was Kian.

"Bacon" was all I said I'm pretty sure I was getting a concussion.

"Okay, lets go." I felt me being picked up and then moving at a fast paste. Meaning whoever was carrying me was running, with me...holy frick. We ran for a few seconds before I was shoved into a car and the door closing behind me.

"Kitten, give me your keys" Kian said to me. I droopily reached for my purse and he snatched it from my hand. "I'm gonna look through your purse, is that okay?" he asked. I nodded, did he really just ask for permission?

"NO WAIT!" I instantly blurted out before he put the keys in the ignition. "No, we can't leave! Stephanie and Matt!"

"No time!"

"no, I'm not lea-leaving until they are-in-in. Until they're with me!" I tried to talk but my head was hurting so bad.

Kian groaned but then opened the door, "Just stay in here and don't let anyone in" he said before he locked and closed the door, then running down the street, back to the house full of screaming teenagers and cops. I tried to focus on my phone. One thing, but the letters kept making words I didn't understand and the brightness wasn't helping. I finally just pressed the dial key and punched in Matt's number, which he answered after two rings.

"Mia? where are you?" he sounded pretty sober, which I was thankful for. "Mia? are you there? where are you? are you hurt? Mia?!"

"sh. just. shut up."

"Mia there's cops everywhere where are you!!"

"um. I-find Kian. Find Kian Lawley and Stephanie. Um. just, yeah."

"Kian Lawley?!" I nodded even through he couldn't see me. "Why?"

"MATT!" I tried to scream. He replied with an okay and I hung up. I looked at my reflection through the mirror and saw that I had a busted lip, and my make up was running horridly. My ribs, arms, hands, and head were in such pain I could barely move. I wanted to sleep, but knew I couldn't because right now this is a serious problem and situation. But all I wanted to do was sleep. I probably sounded and looked drunk out of my mind.

I was then surprised by the sound of the car unlocking and doors opening. I tried opening my eyes but failed miserably.

"Who-who's there?" I whispered.

"Oh my gosh Mia," I heard Matt's voice. "What happened to her?" he sounded furious.

"Not now. I'll explain once we get out of here" Kian replied. "Where do I go?"

"Where-" I licked my lips, man I was thirsty. "Where's Stephanie"

"She-she's right here. She's sleeping."

"Where too?"

"Um, we can't go to their house because they'd get in deep shit-or my house because I lost my keys" Matt tried to explain, I felt the car speed out of the parking and off we went.

"okay. my house then." was all I heard from Kian before I went unconscious.


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