Twenty Two: Where it all seems to stop.

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Nathan smirked but didn't move a muscle.

"So you finally decide to show up, kid," he said, still not looking at Kian, just me.

"I've been here the whole time-"

"You like this girl?" He interrupted, "Is she your girlfriend?"

"Those questions are irrelevant, now put the mother fucking gun down."

Nathan chuckles at Kian as he slid the gun towards him, and does nothing but jump up and sit on a box, slouching, like he had no care in the world.

I had to calm every single part of my body from pulling the damn trigger.

If I even had bullets to begin with.

"So you wouldn't care if I had a turn at it, would you?" Nathan smirks again, "You know, let me caress her naked body while she moans...I don't know, my name?"

I see Kian's grip on his gun grow tighter, this guy was testing him.

"While you watch."

"That's it." Kian drops his gun and marches towards Nathan.

Then his right hand is swung and he hits the son of a bitch in his jaw.

Both Sam and Steph were startled, and started walking towards Kian who was pounding on this guys' face after forcefully throwing his body on the ground.

"Don't." I motion to them to let it go, and let Kian do his thing.

After a few more seconds Kian gets off of Nathan's body, and walks away from him.

"That's all you got, Lawley?" Nathan whispers as he sits up, this guy has no chill.

"You would be dead if he heard you," Steph says as she starts to walk away.

Sam collects all the extra guns and soon starts walking away, too. But I'm stuck in my spot unable to move.

I just stare at Nathan, wanting to do nothing but wish death upon him.

"What?" he spits out blood, "never seen a beat up guy before?"

"Oh I have, I've just never wanted to shoot that guy in the head so much." he looks up at me, and starts laughing.

"Do it," he says. "You'd be doing everyone a favor"

"Even yourself?"

"The most." I hear the pain in his voice, but I refuse to let pity take over. "Come on, I don't ook like I'm old? I'm only 23 and already have to deal with this bullshit."

I stare him, wondering why he was talking about his life, as if I cared.

"I should be in college right now, studying to be an architect," he cleans the rest of the blood off his mouth. "But instead I'm in a gang I am now in charge of. Why? Because my life sucks."

"You're life isn't the only one that sucks."

He stays quiet for a few seconds, staring at me. I take out the round of bullets and put the gun down.

"I was you, six years ago."

"You're nothing like me-"

"Dead parents, due to gang related violence. Single child, no real aunts and uncles, dead friends. You're not living an extraordinary life, kid."

"We are nothing alike. I wouldn't go around killing people."

"But you did, didn't you? You killed two of my men upstairs. Remember?"

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