Going to New York

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Edit: PREQUEL IS OUT NOW! (Read it after this story bc of spoilers)

"Hey! Miss?" I turn my head around, my hair flying back. "You forgot your coat!"

"Oh my, thank you so much, sir," I smiled as I thanked the man.

"Anything for a beautiful lady like yourself. Have a great rest of your day!" I waved a quick goodbye, then went the way I was headed.

"That would have been bad," I muttered to myself. I check my coat pocket, making sure my Bowtruckle was still there. "I'm sorry buddy, I really am forgetful, aren't I?" He stuck his tongue out at me. I laughed and went on my way through the busy New York Streets.

There had been recent commotion down here, and I was curious and had to come investigate. The damage reports sounded nothing like wizard magic, and I needed to see if it was a creature or not.

The streets seemed to be ruined, and it was nothing like anything I'd seen before. "I really need to travel more," I sighed.

I went into an alleyway, and checked in my briefcase. Everything, and everyone, seemed to be in order.

With my wand in my boot, I teleported to the nearest hotel. I walked in, and asked politely for a room. The lady guided me to a room, and I set my things down.

In my room, there was a flyer. It spoke about the evil witches and burning them. I scoffed, and ripped it up. "No-maj's and their wild imaginations. I swear, we're not evil! Well, not all of us." I looked over to my Bowtruckle, as he slept. "I need friends. All I do is talk to myself, or  animals."

"Shut up, I'm trying to sleep!" The squeaky voice of my Bowtruckle interrupted my monologuing.

"Alright, I'll hush up now Peanut." He whispered a quick 'thank you' and then went back to sleep.

I got restless and opened up my briefcase, then went into my little home away from home. Inside was made to look like the room I grew up in. The room was enchanted to look like the thunderbird common room, gold encrusted and red and white decoration. The walls were cobble, and the roof was golden patterned.

If I continued to walk, other rooms would be seen. Kitchen, bedroom, and closet. When I leave, magical biomes made to keep any creature I found, and that would let me give it a home.

I made something to eat, then left for the bedroom. I grew used to isolation, so I had a room built for one. It was a king size bed, with a chandelier hanging above.

I woke up to a phoenix scratching my face. I groaned and woke up, dressed into black coat, leggings, skirt, boots, and hat.

"What did you dream if?" Peanut asked, "Any dream of the future?"

"I know you love when I speak of the future, or the past, but no. I dreamt of a bank, I couldn't figure out what it was called, but that was the basic dream I had."

"Then let's go to the bank!"

"Why? I don't need any money. Plus, the nearest wizarding bank isn't around for miles!"

"Who knows, didn't the paper you found says something about a bank."

"What paper?"

"The pamphlet that you ripped up."

"If you say so, then come here," I put out my hand, and he crawled onto my shoulder. "What should we do? I don't really need no-maj money."

"New clothing?" I nodded in agreement. I enjoyed the idea.

I headed out with my things and checked out of the hotel. I walked down the streets of New York, until I found a bank, where there was a protest, against witches. I gulped and walked past, but not before I spotted something out of the corner of my eye. A Niffler? Why would there be a Niffler?

"Come here little guy," I took off my bracelet and held it in the air. The Niffler ran to me, and I held onto him. I put him in my coat pocket, and let him play with my bracelet. "What's your name?"

"Biloxi," it whispered.  I greeted Biloxi hello, and pet him on the head.

"Oh, hello! Did you pick up my pet, perhaps?" A voice brought me out of my thoughts.

"The Niffler?"

"Yes! So you've found him?"

"Here," I pulled him out of my coat pocket and handed him to the male.

"Thank you, miss?"

"Dompteur, (Y/n) Dompteur."


"Yes, my family came from France to America. You're british, right?"


"Um, sir, your Niffler, he's disappeared again-"

"Oh dear, I'm sorry! I got distracted by your beauty." When he spoke, he slowly lowered his voice and slurred his speech, hoping I wouldn't catch what he said, "Nice to meet you (Y/n), I'm Newt Scamander."

"Want some help getting your Niffler?"

"Yes, please. Thank you!" He grabbed my hand, and we rushed into the bank. I'd have to thank Peanut for making me go out today.

<edit> Pickett-->Bowtruckle and a spelling error
Fixed an error in my writing that made what I was tying to convey hard to understand

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