Trouble in the Bank

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As we rushed into the bank, Newt and I sat down at a small bench, next to a well-fed man.

"What are you here for?" The man politely tried to start a conversation. Newt responded, not quite understanding the conversation.

"Same as you," he said.

"You're here to get a loan for a bakery?" Before Newt could make the conversation any more awkward, I stepped in.

"Not exactly. Just a loan in general," the man nodded. Newts eyes were fixated to the ground, searching for his Niffler. He sat up, he'd probably seen the little guy try and grab something else. "Please excuse us, I seemed to have dropped something of mine, and he's been helping me search," I smiled.

"Oh, go right ahead." He was very kind. I grab my briefcase and put it in my coat, where it shrinks, and hides.

I stood up and followed Newt, "Not the best with conversations, are we?" I commented. He let out a small laugh, but kept searching. Behind us, I heard the man speaking, but it slipped through my mind as nothing important.

In line, I heard some coins dropping. I craned my neck towards the sound, then pulled Newt's sleeve, and pointed. He rushed up to grab the Niffler, but he got away, once again. I sigh, and we continue our search.

Newt then notices the Niffler on a cart, surrounded by money. He must be very happy. "No, no, no," I whispered, as the Niffler was carried away into an elevator.

"Hey, Mr. English Guy! I think your egg is hatching," A very heavy new york accent caught our attention. There, was the male, with an Occamy egg in his hand. Newt pulls me over to the baker, and Apparates un into a narrow stairwell. Newt takes the hatching egg and slowly goes down the stairwell.

"Excuse me?" I went down with Newt, "I was--over there. I was--over there?" He mutters.

The Occamy went into Newt's case, as the baker tried to catch his attention, failing time and time again.

"Newt!" I catch his attention, and rush to the bank vault.

"Absolutely not!" Newt spoke like an angry father. I had my wand out, and knew what I was doing was wrong, but I couldn't let the Niffler get caught.

"Alohomora!" The vault started to open.

"Oh, so you're gonna steal the money, huh?" An alarm sounded and I panicked.

Newt went into action, "Petrificus Totalus!" The man falls to the ground.

Newt runs into the vault, and I follow. He turns the Niffler around and shakes him. Many things fall out, as does my bracelet.

"Thank you," I pick up the bracelet, and put it back on.

"Don't shoot, don't shoot!" I spin on my heels, and Disapparate. Newt seems to have done the same.

We ended up in the same side street, and I walk up to the two. "I'm awful sorry--" Newt got cut off.

"What the hell was that?"

"Nothing to concern you, just stay still and this will all be over in a jiffy," he stayed calm, surprisingly.

Instead of Obliviating the no-maj, he grabs his case, and hits Newt on the head, then runs.

"Bugger!" Newt shouted. I ran over to him, asking if he were okay.

Suddenly, we Disapparate, somewhere I hadn't been before.

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