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Tina led is to an apartment, where she told us--more specifically, Newt and Jacob, to be silent as it was an all-girls-apartment-complex. Newt and Jacob followed her orders and we were greeted by a woman in pink, one whom I recognized.

"You've brought friends have yo--" she stopped and looked at me, "--(Y/N)!"

"Hi, Queenie," I greeted, softly.

"Why didn't you tell me you were in New York!"

"I just came in two days ago," I explained. Queenie and I had been close in school, as we were in the same year. Tina just seemed mad again, I'm guessing she doesn't really like me...

We ran around the halls of the school, late night. I pulled Queenie along until we reached the gardens.

"What do you want to show me. I know you've been hiding something from me," she spoke with childish delight.

"Okay, okay! I really can't seem to keep a secret from you, can I," I laughed. I pulled her along until we reached a large tree, "Close your eyes, then open them on the count of 10!" She did as I asked.

I had finally perfected it. I perfected transforming into my animagus form.

She opened her eyes, "Oh my..." she marveled. "That's amazing!" Her eyes lit up, marveling at my feathers, which turned golden at the end, just as my hair did with (natural color) and (color toned down). "What exactly are you?"

I went out of my forn, "A phoenix!"

"Can you light on fire, or be reborn?" She questioned. I shook my head. I had no idea if I could or not, but my brain just wanted to say it would be impossible, as I'm not the animal itself, I just take on its characteristics.


"You're hiding a what?" Queenie whispered, quite harshly, into my ear.

"I really hate when you read my mind." I looked over to her, slight annoyance on my face.

"As if I need to read your mind, you're an open book!"

"Fine! Just, don't tell anyone," I stuck my hand into my coat pocket, which I had enchanted to be bigger on the inside. I pulled out an egg.

"You-you have a dragon egg? In your pocket! Are you nuts!"

"Just a bit," I sassed.

"There's a reason why we only hang out when my sister isn't around. She would absolutely kill me if she knew you!" I started laughing so hard, that I fell off my bed, earning a 'shush' from girls in the dorm.

While lost in thought, Queenie showed hospitality towards us, and made us strudel. We were then guided to an extra room, where I insisted to sleep on the floor. Queenie knew what I was thinking of doing, and didn't object. However, Newt did.

"I couldn't possibly take a bed from a woman, where would my manners be?"

"You really don't have to worry." I assured him.


"Nope. No buts. I'm sleeping on the floor, that's that."

"Fine," he whispered, defeated. Jacob was already in bed, still slightly dazed. I told myself I'd wait until they were asleep to grab my case from my coat and sleep. The two would just not sleep, though.

Newt, understanding that I was uncomfortable on the floor, asked if it would be fine if I sat at the foot of his bed, until we all felt tired. I gave in, and sat myself on the bed. I held onto my hot chocolate, and sipped.

Newt then started acting weird, opening his case, then hopping in. I knew where he was going with this, and a smile was placed on my face. He walked in, then Jacob followed (with slight trouble), then I joined in.

"You have a case too!" I asked.

"Too? Does that mean you have one!" I nodded, "You'll have to show me soon!" His little home was very cute, and small, compared to mine. Yet, he kept on going. He made a quick tunic for Jacob's injury, but went further into his little wonderland.

I followed, amazed at what I saw, "So you keep more than just Nifflers?"

"Oh yes! Come, come. I must show you the reason I'm in America. I'm going to set a friend of mine free, in Arizona.

He led us to a room, after greeting some animals, and speaking with some Bowtruckles. Peanut came out to say hello, yet ended up growing closer to Newt's personal Bowtruckle, Pickett, than the others.

The little room we were in was a small habitat, that expanded large up in the air. Nothing seemed to be there, until Newt called.

I looked at the Thunderbird in front of me, amazed at the beautiful creature. He was nearly as beautiful as my dragons. "May I pet him?" I asked, still staring at the Thunderbird.

"He's not usually good with other-" Newt got cut off by the Thunderbird, who stood next to me, nudging away at my side.

"Hello there, Frank," I said, leaving Newt bewildered.

Edit: grammar error

Explanation of the golden feathers: An animagi has a character trait that matches the witch or wizard. For McGonagall, her cat has her glasses markings. With Rita Skeeter, glasses as well. Or, like Peter Pettigrew, his rat lost a limb just as he did. So! The reader's hair ombres slightly, as do her feathers.

A/n: I was really tempted to call this chapter Newtcase but didn't haha

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