Toriels Choice

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"Where am I?" I felt around the area I had fallen which was a bit sticky where my head had been. "Flowers? Did I land on a bed of flowers?"

"Oh my child are you alright?" I heard someone shout from a distance away.

"What? Who? Where?"

"Oh child what happened to you, are you alright?" I felt a furry hand touch my face turning it around looking for injuries I suppose.

"Yes I'm fine. Umm where am I mam?"

"Oh dear you are in the underground. You appear to be alright but um might I make an inquiry?"

"Of course, but if its about the bandages around my eyes please do not remove them. It would make you... uncomfortable."

"Alright well in any case why don't you hold my hand and I'll take you home."

"Umm no its ok I can walk on my own." I got up and dusted myself off. clicking my tong I walked over to a wall. I stopped and just ran my hand along the wall until I found the door way.

"Ah I see. Well ok then but if you need help do not hesitate to ask me for help. In any case follow me my child." I waited till I heard her foot steps pass me before I followed my hands on the wall. when the walls fell away I clicked my tong again trying to see in front of me. I knew that people could use echo location if they practiced at it. so I could kind of make out some places to avoid but I stumbled. A furry arm caught me. She must have been walking beside me the whole time.

"Down here child we do not fight we dance. To avoid enemy attacks you must match their movements and we bow before a battle. There is a dummy next to you why don't you practice bowing to it?"

"Alright." I made a quarter turn on my heals and bowed. I heard a giggle from behind me. I stood up clicking my tong again... I was off by a good inch or to I think. "Oh I missed the dummy. Sorry."

"It would help if you let me remove the bandages child." I felt her reaching for my face again.I jumped back stumbling into the dummy and falling backwards.

"No, No don't touch them please."

"I'm sorry my child I was only trying to help."

"I don't need help but thank you." I got up and started walking again. I heard a sound and felt myself get dragged away I guess. Hearing some music I recognized. I moved with the song and felt a few things fly by me narrowly missing me. I jumped and felt the wind move next to me. Then the music stopped.

"You did good, for a human. Ribbit. Well good luck for next time. Lady Toriel will be here soon, bye."

"Wait what are you. I can't really see you."

"Ribbit, I am a Froggit. See you again."

"Oh ok bye." I heard It hopp away as I continued forward. I ended up in a few more battles and won each time. I think a spider gave me a donut at one point. Eventually I heard Toriel behind me calling for me to stop. So I waited for her to catch up.

"I'm sorry my child. Oh you've made it to my house by yourself that's wonderful. In anycase why don't we go inside and you can take a nap and i'll make some pie."

"That sounds alright. I am kind of tiard after all that dancing." She showed me in and to a room. She let me feel around till I finally lay on the bed and went to sleep. When I woke up I could smell the pie. I sat up got on the floor and felt around for it. I felt the coldness of the plate and took it in my hand.

I felt the pie and took it in one hand up to my mouth. It was Butterscotch and cinnamon not two flavors I would have thought to put togeather but it was very good. So I ate the whole slice and went to the door. Tracing my hand on the wall I ended up wondering down the stairs down a hallway and to a corner where I heard Toriels voice.

"So you see I need you to look after her. I don't think she can warm up to me. So I was hoping that you could help."

"Yea sure. I don't see why not. But do you know why she has bandages on her eyes?"

"No I thought about taking them off while she was sleeping but was afraid It would wake her."

"Ok, no problem i'll show her around and she'll love it here. There isn't a lot to do here but Paps can help keep her occupied."

"Thank you so much . I'm sorry to burden you with this."

"Don't worry about it, the kid will be fine here. Nothin a friendly dancing skeleton cant handle I'm sure."

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