Dance with Me

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'Oh my gods... did Sans just kiss me? I can feel something on my lips and under my chin but I don't know what to do. Ahh ok I think I'm going to die now.' My head was foggy and hot I didn't know what to do so I stood there. My cheeks were probably really red by now. then what held me captive let go. I could feel his arms around my waist. He was defiantly kissing me. My hands that had been on his shoulders when he first put his hand on my chin dropped to my sides. I felt dizzy. Like supper dizzy now. Almost like when your a kid and twirl around till you cant stand anymore.


(Sans POV)

I was kissing Frisk... For real this time not just practice in my head. I took my arms and looped them around her waist. It was so small. Smaller than I would have thought. Her arms dropped to her sides. I think she figured out what I was doing. Still no response from her yet. Her breath is hot, my legs feel like jelly right now. We sank to the floor my chest felt like fire, not from lack of oxygen though. I finally pulled away after what seemed like ages.

Did she fall asleep her head is on my chest now. Or is she trying to think of what to do. I basically just stole a kiss from her. I wasn't thinking and the mistletoe fell landing on her head. "So um Frisk, are you.. ok?"

She moved her hand to her hair and took hold of the branch. "Sans is this Mistletoe?"

"Yea, why do you ask."

"Because I don't remember having Papyrus put it out. Which can only mean one thing."

"What is that?" I was starting to get a little nervous now. What was she going to do to me?

"That either Paps suck it in without my knowledge, or you wanted to kiss me."

"Oh... Is that so? What does that mean?"

"Well either way you kissed me so you must like me. Weather it was a set up or you did it on your own doesn't really matter." She lifted her head, the scarf for her eyes fell. I was staring into the blank eyes with their burns and she kissed me. short but she  kissed me back.

"What was that for Frisk." I put the sleeve of my jacket over my teeth.

"Because now that were on equal footing there is one monster I haven't danced with yet."

"Whos that kid. Other than Asgore and Tori I cant think of anyone."

"You Sans. I haven't danced with you yet. Papyrus said you haven't danced in a long time but I think its now or never. Because if you don't I'm going to face Asgore."

"Kid?! You cant dance against Asgore the king of monsters. He wants your soul that's why none of us have taken you to see him."

"I know all to well about that. I walk through the Echo flower fields on my way to MTT Resort. I know that my soul if the king were to take it would be al there is to free you and the other monsters. I also know how I feel for you and the other monsters trapped here. If you win the dance I will stay here with you and Paps till you find a way to leave. If I win I find a way to free all monsters."

"You.. You c-"

"Shut up and dance with me." She got up and held out a hand. Her blank eyes stared at me.

"Fine but if I win you tell me what happened to your eyes too."

"Deal." I took her outstretched hand with mine.

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