Sans Fights, Kings Arival

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(Ok so the one i want to use is incomplete so the story will now procede a diffrent way than i had origionally planned. Hope this works. Anyway, dont watch video just yet.)

"Frisk I have made my decision." She turned her head to me. Inclining it slightly she knew what i would chose. Long before I did. I didnt want her to face our king so that left me with only one choice.

"I see. I spoke with mettaton just in case to set up a location for us. Its open so there is not much of a possibly ithe of us were to get injured. And in the event of injury Alphis will be on standby."

"Alright then. I supose we should start on our way there."

"I suppose we should. Let me just call Alphis. She will lead us to the location." She pulled out her phone and called Alphis up.

"Frisk I have one more thing to add before we leave."

"Alright, what is it then?"

"Frisk if I win you tell me what happened to you, and why your here." She looked almost looked like her soul broke and shattered as I told he what I wanted to know. She has been down here for a long time. She should trust me enough to tell me by now. The fact that I have to accept a dance challenge is rediculace.

"If that will make you happy to know my past sure. I will tell you if you win. Alphis lets go now."

"R-right Frisk, if your sure about this." We walked along the path that Alphis laid out before us until we reached an open room with windows on the roof. "I'm going to play the m-music now I-if your ready guys." Frisk put the phone on the floor and it started up. (Watch video now)

We were almost done when the doors busted in and in the door way stood none other than King Asgore. "What is going on here Sans. Why are you dancing with a Human."

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