New Years

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(Once again please watch dance first. Also since I'm doing a Sans V.S Frisk dance off I kinda need a little help finding a good video for it. Cuz I don't really know dance so there is no way I can describe a dance. Maybe you guys can help me find a video?)

"Thank you all of you darlings for watching our New Years Duet with Frisk and fabulous self. See you all soon." Mettaton walked off the stage with me and we walked out of the studio. "So Frisk are you and Sans a thing now?"

"No Mettaton. I'm still waiting on his reply to my dance challenge."

"Darling maybe it would help if I told you his story."

"Really Mettaton that would be a great help. Honestly I'm just trying to get him to dance again. Even if he were to win the dance off I know that King Asgore is coming for me. You see an envelope the other day. The king... well he is coming for me at the beginning of February and as late as valentines day. So I wanted to give him as much fun for the next month I possibly could... before I leave so as he doesn't get into trouble."

"I see well then I suppose its story time. Alphis told it to me seeing as I wasn't made yet."

'Once on a cold day in Snowdin a dancing skeleton and his brother arrived. The shorter skeleton loved dancing to hip-hop and the taller to salsa music. They completed each other in a way only siblings and true lovers could. They were siblings of course but they always watched each others backs. They helped the other work on their faults until they were equal with the strongest monster bosses.

Then one day the short skeleton left without his brother and got challenged by a demon so they say. The demon played dirty and broke the skeleton. Not only physically but mentally as well. Saying that just because he was strong he was just as weak as a flower. That when the day came for the brothers death the skeleton would break into madness. This was true, the short skeleton knew that if his cool brother died he might as well to.

That's when he slipped. He zoned out for only a moment, just enough to give the demon an opening to strike him. They took the open opportunity and struck him. They didn't kill him nut his soul was damaged. They say that his were mangled and his HP was one. When his older brother found him he rushed him to their house where they staid for weeks. No one saw the two emerge from the house and were starting to worry.

The tall skeleton finally emerged first after what seemed to be three months. The short skeleton behind him. No one was sure how he had survived till they caught a glimpse of his soul. While the tall one could heal his physical outlook he was having a hard time fixing his soul. It remained at one HP. The strongest monster other than the king, queen, and captain of the guard was now one of the most fragile. He didn't want to dance anymore. He just wanted to look out for his brother. To protect him and it caught him in a bind of permeate despair.

No one has seen him dance or smile a real smile in a long time. He hides himself in bad puns and fake smiles so that is brother doesn't worry about him. He doesn't dance because if he were to get hurt he would turn to dust. His brother would be alone and no one would be able to fix that. His brother acts as if he doesn't know anything but instead secretly worries over his smaller brother. So he tries his best to have fun. The two never talk and are always keeping secrets.

Then at one point the secrets became truth. The truth became a place to hid from their own sorrows. Papyrus Living his life to the fullest to make his brother happy. Sans telling his puns and hiding his true self letting people in but not close enough to see his pain. Neither brother can tell the other how they feel without feeling like they will break the others soul. When all each wants is to have the other back.'

That darling is their story. Sans doesn't dance because if he were to even trip up just a little he could die. So his response cannot come to you. Either tell him good bye or stay by his side till you can no longer be there. Yet if he feels the way I think he does he may just try to save you like he would his brother. Even if that means dancing with you."

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