The Surface

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(Alright guys video first and a little discrition. You and Sans are up front, Mettaton and Papyrus are middle, finally Alphis and Undyne are in the back. Also guys this is the final chapter so I hope you aren't to mad at me. Now watch the video then we can continue with the story.)

"Alright guys how are you feeling about the show? Do you think your ready?" I asked. We had been on the surface for about a month and had been working on a new show simmilar to Mettatons underground. Asgore and Toriel were now the embasadors, nothing went through without Toriels permission but Asgore did all of the public speaking.


"Papyrus darling~ after rehersals are done for today do you want to go on a date?"

"Mettaton, you know the rules, no unsupervised dates with my brother."

"Then why dont you just ask Frisk to go then." I shot my head around to face where i believed Mettaton was. Sans wasnt even my boyfriend, I mean sure we liked eachother but he hadnt asked me out yet. Not that I was complaining, the only thing I actually knew about him was he was a lazy skeleton who loved dance and puns almost as much as his brother.

"Mettaton you do realize Sans isn't dating me right?"

"What do you mean darling, I thought you two were an item? What happened?"

"Mettaton please-"

"Yea Mettaton why don't you just drop it and let Alphis and me tag along. That way Sans gets what he wants."


"Besides the show is tomorrow why don't you just go after the show. I need Papyrus ready and well rested."


"Alright darlings~ but I want that date dearie." I sighed and started to leave when a skeletal hand grasped mine. I still wore the scarf over my eyes so I wasn't sure which one it was but I took a guess it was Sans being as he had sounded closer than Papyrus was before.

"Sans? Is that you?"

"Oh uh yea, I was just wanted to know if you wanted a lift home. Or if you wanted to see if they found your sister yet." When we had come out of the underground I asked to go to the police station to so we could find my sister. They hadn't found her just yet so I was getting worried. They tried to give me back to my parents but after they found out about my eyes I was awarded to Toriel who was now my caretaker.

"Oh I was going to swing by the station. I just wanted to walk there myself, why don't you go on home ahead of me with the others." I said trying to not sound hurt. I really wanted to hear her voice again, to know that I was alright. But most of all I wanted to tell her I was sorry for running away like I did. I think Sans could hear the sadness in my voice.

"I was hopping I could go with you today. I mean just to keep you from getting lost or run over by a car and stuff." He mumbled the last bit so much so that I barely caught it.

"Sans its alr-"

"No its not Frisk. I know your trying to hid it. That you don't want us to worry but please just let me go with you this time."

"Will you feel better if I let you come?"


"Alright, but just this once." I took my jacket off my waist and put it on starting out the door. Sans still hadn't let my go of my hand. "Um Sans?"

"Yea Frisk?"

"Your hand."

"Oh right." He let go and I continued down the walkway to the station.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Time Skip for umm Love??? <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

We had finally arrived at the station but they still hadn't found her and said that this was the final day they were going to look for her. She just didn't want to be found, I didn't cry. When we walked back home, I didn't cry. When we ate dinner and some butterscotch cinnamon pie, I didn't cry. I walked into my room and closed the door, I didn't cry. I got changed and sat myself on my bed. I took a pillow and lay on my side burring my head into the pillow. Only then did I let myself cry. I screamed into the pillow crying out my heart until I fell asleep.

Morning came all to soon and I had gotten changed and showered, then walked down to join everyone for breakfast. We left for the studio after everyone was ready we were rushed into costume design and the makeup department and were set on the stage as each finished. I was the last one out as I had to put my scarf on after the makeup artists tried to take it from me finally reaching the stage.

"Alright guys one minute till the show starts everyone get into position." The director was shouting at us. We went through all of our sets and with a few breaks for commercials. Finally after we finished with the finally 'Cant hold us' I heard Mettaton shout before the cameras went to close.

"Alright darlings we have two final surprises for you. First if you will direct your attention to the curtain in the right corner you will see the first one." I stopped and turned around to Mettaton who only took my arm and pulled me to the curtain. I tried to protest but was cut off. "Curtain please." I heard murmurs from the audience when a familiar voice rang in my ears.

"Frisk... Its me your sister." I turned to her. I felt my arm get dropped which fell to my side my mouth slightly open. I felt arms come around me, I lifted my own as hot tears tried to run down my face. My voice caught in my voice, Finally I let out a sob and sank to my knees.

"How.. did you get here?" I managed between sobs.

"Mettaton found me. Last week and so we made a plan to surprise you at your first show. Now you have one more surprise waiting for you. Go on we can talk later." I simply nodded wiping my face with the back of my wrist and stood back up.

"Now for surprise number two, daring~ I hope your ready." I felt a skeletal hand take mine.

"Frisk I know you are happy your sister is here and so I thought that this would be the perfect time to ask you something." Sans spoke in a low tone as he held my hand in his. I didn't know what he meant so I decided to stay quiet. "Knock, knock."

"Really Sans a knock, knock joke?"

"Yea, now come on. Knock, knock."

"Alright, fine. Whos there?"


"Wood who?"

"Wood you do me the honors and be my Girlfriend. I've been wanting to ask you for a long time but the time was never right. So will you Frisk make me the happiest skeleton alive and be my Girlfriend?"

I was in shock, not only did I have my sister back but Sans was asking me out infront of everyone everywhere. All I could do was nod and I felt his other hand slip behind my back and pull me to him. The cameras cut and I was being hugged by Sans. I turned my head into his neck and chuckled a little bit. "That was a terrible joke Sans."

"Yea I know but it got a smile on your lips." He pulled back a little bit and put his teeth to my lips. I felt my lips tug into a smile as I kissed him back.

(Welp guys that's the end, bye. 0/)

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