Frisk Dies, No Reset

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(Once again we have a video not to be seen just yet, Sorry guys but Idk why. Its a good song though and fitting for this chapter i think. So on that note please direct your attention to Asgore below this AN and read on. Thank you)

"Sans why are you dancing with a human? You aren't even attacking them and they arent attacking you. Tell my why this human is still alive!"

"Well you see your highness its kindof easy to explai-" Frisk cut me off with a single hand that flew up into the air.

"I see you came for me earlier than i had anticipated. King of monsters, you came to kill me in Snowdin when you heard the music and saw us battling without weapons." She walked forward calm and collected. She knew this was coming and didnt tell me? She didnt let us protect her? This is crazy, what happens when he steals her soul?

"That is correct child. Now that i have seen this I know just how grave this situation is. Undyne, Alphis, Papyrus, everyone has been taken in by your trechory. Luckely this is an easy fix, I steal your soul, you die and are never heard from again that is all there is to it."

"I see, well then King Asgore, please feel free to do as you wish. I knew this was comming for a long time and knew it would be inevitable. Wether i went to you or you came to me. My soul would be on the line." She took off the scarf we had given her and folded it, placing it neatly on the ground. Slowly she walked up to where she had heard his voice coming from and stopped just a foot away from him.

His weapon appeared from out of nowhere and was brought down on Frisks small frame. We monsters were just a few feet taller than humans by brother being one of the ones that reached a full nine feet tall. I on the other hand only reached six feet. Yet Frisk was just a solid five feet five inches and standing at only Asgores waist if she could have seen him would have been scared out of their mind.

They fell to the floor their soul floating up and put into a jar like the other six before theirs. I fell to my knees. My head hung low my hands holding my head up as i cried until i fell asleep. Asgore left me alone in the room as I cried. Yet when i woke up i was in Papyruses arms as he cried over Frisks body. Alphis must have sent him after she heard Asgore and Frisk hung up their phone. Undyne and Alphis were crying now to, Mettaton was making a coffin for them. "I'm sorry this happened to you darling but Sans... I think we need to have a funeral for them dont you think?"

"Yea sure Mettaton, I think that they would like that." About three days later all of the people Frisk influanced, went to their funeral, and we each did an idnividual dance for them. Grilbs even did the one that they did for their dance off. When it was my turn i couldnt think anymore so i just did the first one that came to mind. (Watch video now.) After i was done I left before the next dancer. I couldnt do it anymore, The love of my life was gone and there wasnt any coming back from death.

I just wish i Had gotten to hold them before... before this all went down. I sat down on my bed in my room and cried. I'm not sure when Papyrus got back but he came into my room and let me cry with him. (Oh no what will happen now I wonder. I actually don't know yet... Neh heh hermm...)

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