Christmas Dance

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(Sorry guys bout the wait will now start updating at my previous schedule. Anyway watch the dance first so that what happens next makes sense. See yall on the flip side. Also sorry was having technical difficulties.)

"And there you have it darlings, A nutcracker dance show. Staring little Frisk here. Hope you all enjoyed the show see you next week." Mettaton winked at the cameras like always, and I was led off the stage. I had mapped out the stage by this point so that I knew how much room I had to work with. Yet Mettaton insisted on the point of slapping me in the face once or twice if I said no.

"Alright Mettaton I'm going home now. I'll see you in two days for next set alright. I'm going to hang out with the skelebros after I get their gifts. I also need to wrap them if you can distract the two for a fer hours?"

"Why of course darling, what are managers for?"

"Thanks." I walked out and spoke to my phone. It had gotten to the point that I had Alphis tell me where I was headed because I couldn't map out the entire underground. "Alright Alphis how do I get to the Pasta store?"

"W-well umm to get to there you need to.." I followed the directions and managed to get the pasta that Papyrus had been wanting for awhile. 'Now the question is what to get Sans for Christmas. Then again I'm kinda surprised that they have Christmas here.'

"Alphis... what do you think I should get Sans for Christmas?"

"F-frisk you don't want to know what I'm thinking because... O-oh my gosh, I-its to embarrassing."

"Alphis your not thinking about that new ship-thing you had in mind between me and Sans are you?

"O-of course not F-frisk... not that you two-"

"No stop Alphis." I cut her off before she could continue. "Oh how about I get him... no he has a million of those by now."

"Frisk why don't you choreograph a dance just for him? I know he loves it when you dance. So dance Jingle Bell Rocks for him."

"Great idea Alphis now guide me home so I can get started with this stuff."

<Time skip brought to you by Presents, Merry Christmas if your into that thing.>

My phone was going off as I finished planning out the routine. It was Mettaton asking if it was all clear. I gave the secret code Present that way anyone listening wouldn't know that I had finished. Then I went to my room and hid under the covers pretending to sleep. At least for about ten minutes then I actually did fall asleep. Sans was the one who woke me up saying that there was a surprise down stairs.

"Alright, what's up?"

"Just come down, I promise that you will like it."

"If you say so." He took my hand and almost pulled me after him. I took my other hand to push down my hair and readjust the scarf that they had gotten to cover my eyes. They mostly got it so that other monsters didn't stair at my face, not that I would have noticed anyway.

I counted the last step as we reached ground level and was about to ask what was up when I was yelled at. "SUPRISE Frisk, Merry Christmas." By the sounds of it Mettaton, Alphis, and Undyne must have been there besides Papyrus, Sans and myself.


(Sans POV)

I had gone upstairs to get Frisk only to find them asleep. So I woke them up and practically dragged them down the stairs. When they reached the bottom we all yelled out to them and started the Christmas Party. Every one was giving out gifts Frisk gave theirs first to all of the others and told me that I would get mine later, witch I was fine with.

Then after they had given theirs out they did what they always did followed the wall to a corner and sat down. They told me it was a safety meconium when ever there were large amounts of people around. That they had always done that so I went with it, usually. "Frisk they party is over here, not in that corner. Stay there to long and you might start to feel a little Bonely."

"I'm good thanks though. Nope I usually am alright with this but today is a special occasion and you are going to sit over where the party is. I'll keep you safe, ok?"

"Mmmm alright but just this once." I took her wrist ,though I wanted to take her hand, and sat her beside me as Paps opened his gifts.

"HUMAN YOU GOT ME THAT SPECIAL PASTA I HAD BEEN WANTING, THANK YOU. NOW TAKE YOUR GIFT AND OPEN IT." He held out a flimsy looking gift rapped in gold paper. She slowly took it in her hands and pulled it to her frame. She pealed away the paper to revile a red scarf similar to that I had mad Papyrus last Christmas.

She held the cloth in her hands so that the others could see. "Gee Frisk, I didn't know that you thought my bro was that cool." I joked trying to hold back a laugh.

She sneered at me and wrapped it across he neck. Then after a few hours everyone left and Frisk was waving them good-bye. After they left I walked up to them. "So anyway kid what was it you had in mind for me kid?"

"Sans I want you to sit on the sofa and relax a little bit. Papyrus can you help me real quick?" They whispered something to Pap who looked absolutely elated at the concept and had the room cleaned up in a flash. Then brought out our old jukebox and started a song that we all knew well. Then they started dancing to it. I was utterly amazed that they had come up with this that if my jaw hadn't been attached by magic it would have hit the floor.

Then the finished and Paps wasn't anywhere in sight. "That was really good Frisk, Now its my turn to give you a surprise." I got up and grabbed some mistletoe an walked up to them.

"Oh and what would that be Sans?" They cocked their head to the side just slightly. I hadn't told them how I felt yet. To be honest I'm not sure when I started to like them like this but it was now or never.

"Oh just this." I stood over them took my blue magic to the mistletoe and then put my fingers under their chin. Pushing it up just enough to set close to my head and bent down. It was slow at first but then I could feel their breath on my teeth and I guess panicked a little. I was about to think of backing away when they moved their head just a little and I felt their lips on my teeth. That was it the moment I fully leaned in and kissed them.

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