Meeting Sans

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"So why did you even take me in then?"

"When I first saw you I thought that I could take care of you but Snowdin is larger than the ruins and there is less for you to stumble over."

"So this is about the bandages over my eyes? I get it. I'm a burden so it would be better if I just left right."

"No that's not it at all my child, I just don't think I'm suited to care for you here."

"Fine I'll go to Snowdin with this person and take care of myself like I would have here. I refuse to be a burden on anyone." I took the pack she had given me and put it in her hands as I walked through the opened doors. I heard them slam shut behind me. I walked forward. This area was so open I couldn't tell where anything was. I tripped over something rather large. I lay in the cold snow for a moment before I pulled myself up.

"I feel better when I'm dancing. Better when I'm dancing." I started to sing and danced to the beat, until I heard a large crack behind me I stopped dead in my tracks. "Tsh, I see. Ok I'll play this game, continuing my walk forward. I felt wood under my feet instead of snow. "A Bridge maybe."

"Hey there human, Don't you know how to greet a new pal." I heard the crunching of snow behind me. I froze at the deep voice that spoke to me. "Turn around and shake my hand." I slowly turned around and put my hand out. A skeletal one by the feel of it took mine. hearing a whoopee cushion go of I smirked a little bit.

"Old whoopee cushion in the hand trick, nice one."

"Thanks kid. The names Sans. Sans the Skeleton, what's yours?"

"Frisk, Frisk the human."

"So that bridge there. Be careful not to run off of it. Though I've got an idea. You see my brother Papyrus hasn't seen a human before so I was thinking maybe we could play a game. He loves a good dance, and if your half as good as Tori says I thought that you might dance with him."

"Sure sounds like fun. Why don't you show me to him first. It is getting kinda cold out here so the sooner we get moving the better I always say."

"Great just follow me." He was still holding my hand as he walked past me pulling me across the bridge. I let him because honestly I don't know how I would have felt trying to cross it myself. Other than that he seemed like a pretty chill dude.

"So umm do you dance to?"

"I used to a while back but I don't anymore."

"Can I ask why?"

"Only if you tell me about those bandages on your face."

"Oh  I see." We staid quiet for a while as he pulled me through the snow making lots of twists and turns along the way. telling me to duck or step a bit higher. I did as instructed and made it to a place he called Snowdin without falling on my face to much. At this point I was shivering from the cold and I think he could tell.

"Do you want some food. There is this pretty nice joint where we monsters get together and do dance offs while eating some good chow."

"Sure sounds nice." I followed him into a warm building and he explained that the owner was a fire monster which explained why the place was so warm. He ordered some Burgers and a bottle of ketchup. "What are you going to do with that ketchup?"

"Drink it of course, what else?"

"You drink ketchup?"

"Yea, you don't?"

"Cant say I do." Then I heard the song I was singing on my way here. "Hey I wanna dance. Is there someone up there that I can challenge?"

"Well you could always challenge Grilby, he always welcomes a challenger."

"Sounds fun can you get it set up for me?"

"Sure. I'll be right back."

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