Asgore and a Red Soul

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(Now I know there isn't really any dancing involved with this song but I really wanted to use this one. It will match the chapter as much as possible I promise. Sooo just bear with me.)

"So I did this, because she couldn't do it herself. She was the best and brightest thing down here." I had my eyes locked on the back of his head as he sighed and slowly turned around.

"Alright I can see how passionate you are about this. Alphis I'm assuming you used a cryo chamber for the burial just in case you could figure out how to get a soul for her?"

"Y-yes my king. I thought that maybe I could m-make a new soul for her, but then r-realized that if it wasn't her s-soul it wouldn't be here anym-more."

"I see well if you wouldn't mind meeting me at the lab in an hour I might be able to help with that." We all looked at him suspiciously but agreed to leave. We went to get the chamber that was buried in waterfall and went back to the lab. About twenty minutes later Asgore came in the back and looked to each of us. "I will understand if you all do not trust me but I need you to leave the room. I will call to you after-"

"Like hell am I going to leave you with Frisks body."


"Fine bro, but if I hear anything suspicious I'll be on you like lightning." We each walked out of the room Alphis closing the door once everyone left.

(Frisks POV... also I know she is dead and all but just wait and see.. or in Frisks case hear I suppose???)

I had been in darkness for a long time but the fact that it was cold too was different in a sense. I mean I am blind so not being able to see didn't really bother me much, until it felt cold. I was holding my knees to my chest crying for the first time since I had fallen down here. I actually missed my sister. "Sans I wish we could have at least finished our dance, I wish you could have meet my sister, she would have you running for the hills if she found out that I liked you."

I smile slightly at the thought that Sans would be free now. "I just wanted to be by your side, for a little while longer. You were funny and I was swept away by how funny and passionate you were. I wanted you t save me from myself while I saved you from yourself. I wanted to save everyone that I forgot to listen to what you wanted."

Suddenly everything started to shake and I sat up as much as possible so I didn't move to much. I will admit that the pain from where Asgore hit me still lingers a little bit now. I hadn't felt it in what I assume was a week of me being here. Then a flash of red shined in front of me, I had to shield my eyes from the brightness. "Child I know you can hear me and I do apologize for my behavior as of a few weeks ago."

"Who are you and where are you? Your voice seems to come from every direction."

"I am Asgore and I am looking into your soul. I've already broken the barrier and had intended on using the souls to rage a war on the humans but you seem to have gotten me into a bit of a bind. Sans and the other monsters aren't to pleased with my actions and don't want war. So they danced in your name or so they say."

"Wait Sans is alright? Thank goodness, I almost thought-" I sank to my knees and hung my head in relief. "What is it you want with me now though?" I was a little suspicious as to why he was speaking with me.

"I had your friends bring me the cryo chamber they buried you in and I am going to put your soul back into it. There will e a little bit of pain being as your body is injured but I can fix that. Just don't pass out or scream. Please understand I am trying to do the right thing just this once."

"Alright but after you owe me a dance King Asgore."

"Fair enough, now please brace yourself." I felt myself moving again the place I was in shook violently. Then I felt air rush out from under me, the pain from the slash that was caused weeks prior as well as my eye was completely unbearable. So I bit down on my arm trying not to scream, trying to stay conscious. The red around me fading away returning to black once more. Then a warm light almost green in color bleed into the darkness. The pain ebbing away, I relaxed.

"There we are my child, almost good as new." I opened my eyes slowly and sat up. I couldn't feel the cloth on my face so I hid my face down so that he couldn't see it. "I couldn't do anything about your eye sight though."

"That's fine sir, but do you happen to know where my scarf is. I would like to have it back now."

"No it is not in here I assume Sans has it with him."

"Oh I see then.."

"I will go and fetch them now please do not move with these unfamiliar surroundings I think Sans would have my head if you got hurt again under my watch." I just nod my head slightly moving my hands to cover my eyes.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN FRISK IS AWAKE THEY ARE DEAD?" Papyruses voice? He is here?

"Yea sir I cant believe you are trying to lie and play this joke right now." Undyne too? What is going on where in the underground?

"S-sir even if you did place the soul back into the body the wounds w-were so extensive that they wouldn't s-survive more than a few s-seconds without treatment." Alphis? Maybe her lab, she doesn't leave there to often unless its important.

"Let me in. I want to conform this for myself." I got up and walked to the sound. I know what Asgore said but I couldn't just sit back and listen.

(Sans POV)

"Let me in. I want to conform this for myself. Like hell am I taking your word for this." I almost yelled at him I was so angry that he was trying to hurt me like this again, but what if he wasn't lying. I needed to see for myself. I was just about to push past when I saw something move that I stopped dead in my tracks.

"Sans?" There was a soft voice that rang familiar to me.

"Frisk? Frisk is that you?" Asgore looked behind him while standing in front of the door way.

"Child I thought I told you to stay there. Well I guess its to late to stop you now. Alright guys be careful when you go in there. She still isn't fully healed yet, I just took the danger-" I teleported behind him and stood in front of Frisk her head down hair and hands covering her eyes from me. I was shocked she was standing before me. The gash considerably healed though now bleeding slightly. I reached out my hand-

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