Its Out

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Alright guys the new book is out or at least the first chapter of Dancetale: Fathers return is just going to let you know now so you guys don't get mad at me for this but the first chapter doesn't end very well. here is a link to it if it doesn't work check my page and it should be up there.

There is a hint of a possible new character that I did not mention in the previous chapter update.. thing.. There is a possibility of a few resets due to how the parents of Frisk work. Frisks mom will also make an appearance a few times, as well as the sister who tries to understand Frisks reasons. Will this end as well as the first book or will the entire world fall into erasure due to Frisk trying to do the right thing. Also there will be a hint of one of my other books in here as well. Some of you who read the hint may know what book it comes from.

In any case that is all for now, just wanted to let you guys know that it was out, as well as a few little tidbits of other info. See ya'll in the next book or as Tigger says TTFN Ta, ta for now.

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