Chapter 16: The Meeting

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Chapter 16: The Meeting

Carter's P.O.V

I opened my eyes and everything was a haze. My head was pounding and I smelt like alcohol. This is just fucking fantastic. My hands were surprisingly free and I wasn't tied up or handcuffed. I smiled and took this opportunity to take a shower. I honestly don't give two fucks about what Jason thinks. I'm getting a damn shower if that's the last thing I ever do. I stood up from the bed and rubbed my eyes. Luckily there was a bathroom that was connected to my bedroom.

I walked towards the bathroom door and opened it. The door squeaked a little and I let out a sigh. I walked inside and I locked the door behind me. I was still in the gold dress and my make-up was smeared all over my face. The dress was so itchy.

I took off my clothes and hopped in the shower. I adjusted the water's temperature to hot and I let the water relax my muscles. I let out a sigh and I immediately felt a lot better. My headache started to drift away and my vision came back to normal. I picked up a bottle of shampoo and squirted some in the palm of my hand. It actually smelt like.. Jason? Gross.

After a while of relaxing in the shower I finally got out and wrapped a towel around my body. I unlocked the door and I walked towards my bed and sat down. I let out a sigh and I looked around the room. I saw a pile of clothes sitting on the edge of the bed and I scooted closer to it. A bra, a pair of underwear, a blouse, and a pair of faded jeans sat there folded up neatly. A piece of paper sat on top of the pile and I grabbed it. I opened it up and began to read it.


I see you decided to get a shower. Jenna went out last night and bought you some clothes. Get dressed and come downstairs when you are finished getting ready. We have something to do. -- Jason

I sat there confused. Why the hell would I want to do something with him? I looked at the clothes once more. Damn, Jenna has good taste. I stood up from the bed, peeled the towel off of my body, and I let the towel hit the floor.

I put on the clothes and ran my fingers through my damp hair. I tried to untangle the knots. I sighed and walked back into the bathroom. I looked around and spotted a comb sitting on the countertop. I picked it up and raked the comb through my hair.


I walked into the living room and crossed my hands over my chest. "What do we have to do?" I asked Jason and Jenna. They sat there looking at me and Jenna sighed. "There's this meeting that we have to go to because I don't trust you two alone." Jason said and I scoffed. Something about him seemed unusual. He wasn't acting like the Jason that I am used to. "Let's just get this over with." I rolled my eyes. He got up from the couch and walked towards me.

We walked out of the house together as he held my wrist. We went down the little pathway and his shiny black mustang awaited us. He clicked the button on his keys and the headlights on the mustang lit up. I opened the car door and sat down on the leather seat. Jason got into the car and started the engine. There was an awkward silence before he pulled out of the driveway.

I sat there while looking out the car window. As we passed people on bikes and cars, I couldn't help but envy them. They have a whole life ahead of them and they're free. I'm not going to live a happy life anymore and I will never be free. This is all Jason's fault.

"Why do you like ruining my life?" I asked him and he didn't answer me. He shifted in his seat uncomfortably and continued to ignore my question. "Whatever, fucking ignore me. You are such a p*ssy." I muttered. He took his eyes off of the road and glared at me. "What. Did. You. Call. Me?" He asked pausing in between every word. "I called you a p*ssy." I laughed at him not even caring about what the consequence may be.

"Okay, maybe I am a p*ssy but at least I'm not a slut." He chuckled dryly and I rolled my eyes. "Please. You are the biggest manwhore ever. I seen how you winked at every girl you saw at the club and how they were all over you." I spat and I began to feel a bit jealous. Jealous? What the fuck?

He ignored me again. I rolled my eyes as he pulled into a gravel parking lot. The crunching of the gravel under the tires started to make my headache come back. I clutched onto my head and breathed out. "Hangover?" He laughed. I ignored his question and looked at him like he was crazy. This boy is so bipolar.

He finally parked the car and got out. He came over to my side and opened the door for me. At least he was still trying to be a gentleman. I unbuckled the seat belt and got out. He grabbed my wrist and we started walking towards the warehouse.

We stood in front of the warehouse and Jason knocked on the big metal door. After waiting there for a few seconds someone finally opened the door. The boy from the club stood there. What was his name again? Oh yeah, James. "Hey James." I said and he flashed me a flirty smile. "What's up." He asked and I just shrugged my shoulders.

We walked inside and I saw many people huddling over a big table. "This is my gang." Jason whispered into my ear. "I thought there were only a few people in your gang?" I asked him confused. "No. Jenna, Ricky, James, Chaz, Kelly, Ryan, and I are the main people in the gang. These are the people who sell drugs and shit. I'm the second leader of this gang but Johnson is first." He explained and I nodded my head.

Jason walked over to the table and sat down at the end. "Guys! Sit down!" He commanded and everybody obeyed his order. I stood there awkwardly and looked around the room. There was probably about fifty people here and they didn't look very nice. "Sit down." Jason whispered to me. I nodded and took the seat that was next to Jason. Everybody's eyes were on me. The girls looked like they wanted to kill me and the boys looked like they wanted to rape me.

"Is she Johnson's girl?" This woman asked Jason and he nodded. She laughed and raised her eyebrow at me. "She won't last a day." The woman said and I was trying hard to ignore her. "Shut up Stella." Jason said and she shut her mouth immediately. Everyone seemed so afraid of Jason.

"Okay, our next mission is to bomb the Las Vegas Police Department. I will be making the bombs but I need one of you to plan all of this out. Do any of you want to do it?" He asked the crowd of people and a younger looking boy raised his hand. "I'll do it boss." He said and Jason nodded. "Alright, what is your plan?" Jason asked and the younger boy looked at me and smirked. "I say we use the girl to plant the bombs." The boy said and I gasped. "Oh hell no!" I yelled as I stood up from my seat. Jason grabbed my wrist and pulled me back down into the chair.

"Calm down." Jason whispered to me. I rolled my eyes and looked down at my lap. "We can't have her do it. She isn't experienced in this type of work. She'll probably just end up killing us all." Jason laughed. "Fine." The kid huffed and I laughed at him. "Anybody else have any ideas?" Jason asked the crowd.

The door behind us swung open and it smashed against the wall. Everyone became dead silent. What's going on? Jason's eyes widened as he looked at the man. "Johnson? What are you doing here so early?"


Word count: 1,417

CLIFFFFHANNGGERRR! Guys I know my chapters may be shorter than most stories but I write this story on my iPhone soo yeah. BUT IM GETTING A LAPTOP IN A FEW DAYS SO THAT MEANS LONGER CHAPTERS! Anyways THANKYOU SO MUCH FOR 500 VOTES AND 100 COMMENTS.. I'm not even halfway through this story yet and you guys already like it hehe.

ANYWAYS GO FOLLOW BIEBERSGIRL3006 and check out her book!

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