Chapter 36: Stitches and Bitches

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Chapter 36: Stitches and Bitches

??? P.O.V

I ran into the woods with my gun at my side. I could hear Carter crying from behind me, but I didn’t care. All I want to do is to take Jason McCann down. I made sure not to kill him today. Today was just a little warning for him. I shot him in the stomach, but the bullet didn’t rupture or penetrate anything important, I made sure that it wouldn’t. My main goal was to torture Jason until his last breath, but I won’t be the one who kills him. That’s Ryan’s Job.

I ran so far into the woods, I could barely hear Carter anymore. I sat down on a log, and I fished my phone out of my pocket. I dialed up my boss’ number, and placed the phone against my ear. “Hello.” He grumbled. “Uh, hey. I have some good news.” I said.

“Did you get Jason?” He asked. “No, but I shot him. I didn’t kill him though. That was our plan, remember?” I scratched the back of my neck nervously. I hope I didn’t screw anything up because he would kill me if I did. “Yeah, yeah. I remember now. Have a nice night kid.” He grumbled before hanging up. I placed my phone in my pocket, and buried my head in my hands. Everything was so silent, and for once, I actually enjoyed it.

Carter’s P.O.V

“Jason, are y-you okay?” I stuttered. I was still in shock, and I’m really scared. Who was that, and how the hell did he get here? Jason was lucky, the man only shot him in his stomach, and he didn’t shoot him in the right places. Jason was okay, but he refused to move. “Yeah babe, I’m fine. It just hurts like a bitch.”

“We have got to go. What if that man comes back?” I said as I felt a shiver run up my spine. “I guess you’re right, but I need your help.” He said as he held out his hand. I laced our fingers together, and slowly helped him sit up. “Fuck.” He muttered. I started to help him stand up as he hissed in pain. “Don’t put pressure on that side Jason.”

Once he stood up, I linked his arm around my shoulder, and he hobbled to the car. God he is heavy. Does he eat cinderblocks or something?

We got to the car, and I opened the passenger’s side for him. He slowly got in as he let out grunts. I hate to see him in pain, but to my astonishment, he isn’t freaking out or throwing a fit. I closed the door behind him, and I could see him putting on his seatbelt through the tinted window. I walked over to the driver’s side, and opened the car door. I slowly got in, and closed the door behind me.

“I-I should have a first a-aid kit back there.” Jason grunted. “Okay.” I turned on the car light, and hopped into the backseats. I looked around on the floor, and spotted a mini little first aid kit. I grabbed it, and made my way towards Jason. “Pull up your shirt.” I ushered.

“Wow babe, if you wanted me that bad then-“ Jason whispered cockily before I cut him off, “-now is not the time Jason!”

He giggled a bit, and I rolled my eyes. He shouldn’t be laughing right now. He just got shot, and he is in a lot of pain! “Jason, quit making everything a fucking joke, and be quiet.” I spat. “Damn babe, why are you being so feisty? I like it.” He muttered. “Jason, please just stop.”

He stayed quiet as I unzipped the little kit. I got out some gauze, hydrogen peroxide, cream, and one of those icepacks that instantly turn cold whenever you shake it. I rolled up his shirt, and all I saw was his perfectly shaped eight pack. “See, I know that you want me.” Jason teased. I snapped out of my thoughts, and gave him a dirty glare. I saw the wound, and the silver bullet was still buried inside of him.

“How am I going to get this bullet out?” I asked. “You’re going to have to dig it out with some tweezers or something, and then you’d have to stitch it up. Do you know how to do all of that?” He questioned, and I nodded quickly. “You’re so lucky that I went to that summer camp a few years back. They taught me all kinds of survival stuff. I know how to do everything.” I smiled, and he playfully rolled his eyes.

I went back into the first aid kit, and fished out some tweezers. There was also numbing spray, a needle, and some thread. Damn, this little kit sure does have a lot. I took off my jacket, and rolled up the sleeve. “You’re going to have to bite on this.” I said as I gave him the jacket. He shakily nodded. “I like having my own personal nurse. It’d be nice if you were wearing one of those sexy nurse outfits.” He smirked, and he started to wiggle his eyebrows. “Can you stop thinking about sexual things for once?” I asked, and he shrugged.

I took the little towel out of the kit, and dumped some hydrogen peroxide on it. I rubbed the peroxide all over the tweezers. “Okay, now bite on that towel.” I said. Okay, now it’s time to start the little ‘procedure.’


I was finally done with everything, and it wasn’t easy. “Are you okay?” I asked, and he nodded slowly. “Yeah, I’m fine. Do you know your way back to the hotel? I need to go back there and do some research to see if I can find out who that c*nt is. We can leave tomorrow. I have some ideas.” He muttered.

“Yeah, I know my way back. But, you sir, are going to rest. I’m not letting you do anything.” I said like I was his mother. He groaned, and his phone let out a little ring. I’m surprised that he still has a phone. He turned it on, and his eyes scanned the screen. He furrowed his eyebrows, and his eyes filled up with worry. “What?” I asked, and he tossed the phone over to me. It was a text from Chaz. Chaz?

Chaz Somers:

Dude, thanks for leaving me. But, if I were you, I wouldn’t be taking Carter back to that hotel. Good luck, and you better watch your back. I would get the hell out of that state if I were you. I’m only doing this for Carter.

My eyes widened, and I shook my head. “What the fuck?”


Hey lol another early update because I feel like it (-:

Jason is okay, but he might not be in the future….

 Theres so much to come.

More comments = way quicker updates.

Comment some ideas that you’d like to happen in the next few chapters…….(;

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